Fellowes is back


New Member
I'm back! As some of you might know I did time in county for feeding a cop dog. Some of you think I have been banned or stopped posting I wasn't either just in jail. My threads have brought a lot of humor to the site. They were real threads but I could see where people could think they were BS LOL. I'm gonna be posting again so look for my comments and threads. I'm just glad to be free I walked out and there were my friends with a fatty outside waiting.

Thanks for your time



Well-Known Member
Glad your out jail sucks!!! Your story made me think about Half Baked!! At least the dog didn't die, right? jk.


New Member
He lived and was unharmed yet i was charged with a felony and I'm on 5yrs probation. So if you guys don't see me for 15 days at a time that means i got high and they have me on a 15 day hold LOL


Well-Known Member
Welcome back, buddy! Glad you finally got out of the big-house. Sorry you had to go in, in the first place ...such a sh*tty way to get locked up.
Glad to have both you and, hopefully, some of your funny stories back! :clap:


Well-Known Member
so is it actually illegal to feed a cop dog? that's pretty deep.

i'm happy for you being out of there and back on here though, i'm pretty new to the site.


New Member
[FONT=Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif] What do Michael Jackson and zits have in common?
They both wait till your 12 to come on your face![/FONT]