Fem autoflowering set up question/s

Hi all

I hope these questions arent to noob...

This is going to be my 1st grow, ive looked into it and i think feminised autoflowering plants is the way for me.

So ive built a wooden grow box. 2.75ft high and 1.5ft square base.

i only plan to plant one seed at a time.

i am going to get 2x CFL 75w or higher. and i have some old car LED lights 2x white and 2x red.
from what ive read this should be enough light for one single plant in a grow box?
or can i get just ONE massive light that will do the job?

Also i need to get a couple of inlet/outlet fans. but i havnt even orderd seeds yet.

The seeds im gonna get are -


i dont think i will have any probs with any of these plants, they all seem to stay small.

i will order one of each.... money is tight.

once my seed has grown.. do i keep the light on constanly until she buds? thats the idea of autoflowering right?

basically does this sound like it will work?

if someone says yes, im gonna order the seeds, order the fans, and start growing.

Quaility website and forum here BTW!! :D


Well-Known Member
Yes autoflowering means that the light cycle doesnt have to change for her to start flowering. Most people keep their lights on either 24/0 or 20/4. What kind of nutrients are you using? And i dont think pick n mix ships to the U.S.


Active Member
imo id say put them on 18 on 6 off from the start to finish plants need sleep too they use up feed etc in the dark
im from the uk, and buying weed here is way to expensive....

i will do the lights like that then with that cycle. it does seem unnatural to have no dark periods.

i have sowing soil for the seed once its cracked. as for nutrients.. i havnt got a clue so please reccomend me something to get :D. shouldnt my soil hold all the nutrients the plant needs? or do these get flushed out with watering?


Well-Known Member
Im more of an indoor hydroponics person but i heard that fox farm ocean forest is a nice soil with a good nutrient mixture. The soil wont hold nutrients for the entire life of the plant but it should last the first 4-6 weeks if im not mistaken.


Active Member
well im in the u.k to i kinda do everything on a budget i use concentrated seaweed got it from wilkinsons and tomorite seems to work for me just imho


Well-Known Member
My AK-48 and bubbalicious didn't auto. Had to put em on 12/12. I'd suggest AK-48. Super fast flowering plant. Way ahead of any other strain in the room.
@ zippthehippy - i think i might have some of that laying about somewhere...
@freakishyellow - 20 hours on 4 hours off? from seedling to flowering? i have read this elsewhere so it seems like this is best.
@tharoomman - i have now put auto AK on my order :) thanks.

will my lights be sufficent for the plants? i am going to get 2x CFL 75w or higher. and i have some old car LED strip lights 2x white and 2x red.
plus all the tin foil that will be inside the grow box.

ok ive orderd the seeds & i went for


my box should be complete in a few days and then the seeds come, so i will post some pics up when i can.
My box is nearly done, i put the computer fans in, hooked up the led lights, put tin foil all around it, it looks awsome. im just waiting for a friend to wire 4x BC lamp holders to to a mains plug.

so after some research im thinking these lights below.


Will this be good for my plants? im guessing they are. ive seen similar lamps on other grows.
for the other two spare spaces i will chuck some other cheaper CFL's in.

Thumbs up if i should get them!! (no smiley picture of thumb?) Bongs up!! bongsmilie



Active Member
before you go too far id say take the foil out it causes hotspots andburns your plants you might be better off painting them flat white you know normal white emulsion paint

i got an auto ak growing from grass o matic its only on day 3 or 4 il take pics tomorrow and post 1 if i can work out how
yeh i could paint it white no probs.. i think i have some paint. i didnt know that thanks for the tip. i will also get some pictures up of the setup.

what about the lights dude :D
My box is done, electrics all sorted now 2. i went ahead and orderd the cfls from amazon.

here are the pics hope u enjoy.

im gonna sort the front flap out, the spray paint didnt work 2 well.

the bottle is a outlet from the computer fan, im gonna stuff lavender and other nice smelling things in there. i could always use some fan ducting but it wont be stealthy.

the blacks boxs are siliconed and air tight onto the fans.

just waiting for the seeds and lights :D

tell me what u think.
