fem-L.L. Auto AK (NEED HELP)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! I have some issues...
Let me start out by saying the Auto AK is 20 days old, I used soil from my backyard, and I don't have a pH tester.

Alright I planted the seed in a cup at first because I didn't have enough soil. Then when I transplanted it (1 week old), I added soil from my backyard, perlite, and some organic plant feed(5-3-3). I really don't know what else to say so here are some pics, if anyone can help me, I would be really happy!! ...I know it's small but what is that yellow shit, maybe Nitrogen Def.!!???

Day 1

Day 7

Day 14

Day 20 -Today, I noticed female preflowers yesterday

Here are some close ups of the problem -taken today

I will respond as soon as you do...thanks!!


Active Member
Are those preflowers already at that height? Hmmmmm. I think u might have stunted the phuck out of your plants. But in regards to your leaves it looks like they will be ok. those leaves will eventually die off anyways. Your new growth looks fine. dont use any more nutrients until they are on there 5 or 6 node (at least) and even then u should use them at half strength. I recomend BMO nutes. they are completely organic and can be used at full strength.


Well-Known Member
Yea I was surprised that it had preflowers too!? Alright thanks for the help, SkatWill! Anyone else have anything for me??