Femal Vs. Male Growers


Well-Known Member
Well I just got done posting on my other thread and a funny thought came to my mind.....:hump:

Here on rollitup.org it seems like we assume that everyone on here is a guy and that we can all relate to each other. Well this popped in to my mind. How many female growers are on this site? I think it would be really cool to see who the females are on here and have them stand up and represent..

Post and do your thing ladies let us know that you can grow just as good as us cocky guys lol.


Well-Known Member
Let's see you put the seed in the dirt and then you pour water ... too many things for my tiny female brain to remember.

I guess poor little helpless me will have to rely on the men for growing.

Hehehehehe :)


Well-Known Member
ahhaa nah I ment who are the females that are joining us in our expedition in growing. I know that when you ladies talk to your plants it helps us more then when us guys do cause yall got that motherly instinct and voice and such.


Well-Known Member
Hey there, here is the link to KPs' post where the grow off comps were started. https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/12657-ok-ladies-step-up-stand.html#post122191

I'm self competative and not into competing with others which I find a total turn off. But because I'm constantly trying to improve what I do I seem to get people going into competition with me and then they get all hurt and dissapointed when they loose - I mean 'fuck' I didn't ask or want the competition.



New Member
i do compete an destroy lol..but really..ladies get your grow.... on you should spot my post in newb central on menstral blood an flowering....


Well-Known Member
I think its just a bit overlooked that girls grow well. most people think "stoner" and think guys in my opinion. there need to be way more active girl stoners. i think there are actually, and they just dont figure to say "im a girl" because when it comes to weed, its all good and it doenst really matter if your a female or male grower.

It's just assumed that if someone does not state sex, its a guy.


Well-Known Member
When I play spades my character is a gay man pretending to be a women. When I play hearts my character is a so drunk I can't even type. When I play poker my character acts like a dumb blond. So who am I really?


New Member
Let's see you put the seed in the dirt and then you pour water ... too many things for my tiny female brain to remember.

I guess poor little helpless me will have to rely on the men for growing.

Hehehehehe :)
well said...........