Femal Vs. Male Growers

yea ive been trying to get my friend in to growing she says she'll try her hand at when the time is right.
when it comes to growin i bet chicks do a decent job..they have better attention to detail...you know from washin those damn dishes..lol...
when it comes to growin i bet chicks do a decent job..they have better attention to detail...you know from washin those damn dishes..lol...

Said like a true chick magnet. :lol:

sssshhhhh- a woman who sees a man washing or cleaning can become uncontrollably aroused. True! :D

Men's porn:


Women's porn:

I'd go for the man with the scent of lemon dishsoap before the $80 toilet water. But it's okay with me if you pee in the shower.
peein in the shower is a victimless crime..unless you stand in the front an get pee'd on...lol...if that was the case about dish soap then why dont dish washers at resteraunts an ish like that get mad pussy...an the guys with money an a good job witha nice car do...com'on ladies be truthfull..you want finaical stability....
hey, a bottle of pink dish soap is only 79 cents. That'll get any boy thrown madly in bed for less than 4 cents a day. Now- that's VALUE!

What's with you and dish soap? Ever heard of dishwashers? Makes things so much easier, and stops all the arguments.

All I smell of is skunk.
That is true skunk.
I have found female smokers love the dank smell.

I get all kinds of comments.

They sometimes freak me out.
Especially when I am stoned to the bone.
This thread has gon way off course but im loving it lol.

Personall I think ladies grow better cause there just more motherly and all...

And about finacial stability and funding your little hobbie buddy.

Youre hobby should be funding your financial stability like mine does not the other way around lol...

Roofing work all day and a 1200 paycheck at the end of the week all to spend on whatever i want? Yes I love it lol

Then my "hobbie" funds the rest of my life including my house truck bblah blah the list goes on...

Get your priorities straight buddy and you will get further in life lol.