Female Calyx or Male Sacks ??? Please help me Identify


Active Member
White Widows grown from feminized seeds. 10 days into 12/12 and 3 days since I noticed first signs of Pistils. Has this girl gone Hermie or is this the good stuff ?


Active Member
Ya mine at 7 days into flower looked like this
And here at 9 days into flower
pretty different compared to yours but mines not a white widow so maybe its different.


Well-Known Member
HJ, looks like the start or male-flowers...I'd still give him/her a few days though to be completely sure: :weed:


Weed Modifier
Those pics are from a male plant...100%, if you have other plants/girls I would remove Him or he will get your girls pregnant, and you will have seed in your buds, which if your breeding for seed, will be fine but if not, Best to remove Him ASAP. Peace.


bud bootlegger
White Widows grown from feminized seeds. 10 days into 12/12 and 3 days since I noticed first signs of Pistils. Has this girl gone Hermie or is this the good stuff ?
you have any pix of the pistils m8 as those are surely looking like some male pollen sacs to me as well.. what breeders seeds are they??


Active Member
Ok, I have read that male "balls" grow in clusters while female Calyx will grow two per node, one on each side of the leaf. That's how mine are, just one on each side of the node. I have also seen pics of Calyx that will look a lot like a pollen sack but will bust with white hairs. I zoomed in hard core with my camera so these look much bigger than they really are, so I think I will give it a couple days and see what happens. These are feminized dutch White Widows and the plant has female pistils. So, this is either a Hermie or Calyx. If it is Hermie can I just remove the balls ? Here is a link to my Journal post, there are pics of the whole plant there.



That would suck. It looks like it could be Calyx, I got my fingers crossed. Hopefully someone will give me some insight here.
One of my plant like in the first pic (left one) but it has just one ball like in the pic, than it became like the second pic (right one) you already saw my plants.. changed sex?

BTW In my first grow this were like the same too. first I saw a ball than It became a hair, ball opened and white hair showed itself. And after I harvested my plants there wasn't any seed. But one plant was too good, the other plant was not too high maybe It was a male? I was removed the ball. sory for my english



Active Member
I'd be salty about those fem seeds. It def looks like pollen sacs, treat it with Dutch masters reverse it should make hermi pollen sterile if u don't want to toss em but I'd toss it you shouldn't buy fem seeds unless it's your only option or because of space issues.


Active Member
I am going to watch out close and give it a few days. If they don't prove to be female then I will just get rid of the plant.


Active Member
One of my plant like in the first pic (left one) but it has just one ball like in the pic, than it became like the second pic (right one) you already saw my plants.. changed sex?

BTW In my first grow this were like the same too. first I saw a ball than It became a hair, ball opened and white hair showed itself. And after I harvested my plants there wasn't any seed. But one plant was too good, the other plant was not too high maybe It was a male? I was removed the ball. sory for my english

Thats why I am going to wait, because I think they are Calyx. My zoomed in pics make them look bigger then they are and that gives them a male look. I will update when I know for sure.