Female Calyx or Male Sacks ??? Please help me Identify


Well-Known Member
oh dude im genuinely sorry to hear that. fuckig sucks big time. i cant believe it we buy fem seeds so we dont have to deal with this shit. dutch passion seeds did u say. they just went on my no deal list


Well-Known Member
There were no pistils on this plant anywhere eh? I'm quite surprised to hear that, but nature's a mother fucker sometimes. Crazy, crazy, but post a link to your grow journal, I'd love to follow along with you.


Active Member
There were no pistils on this plant anywhere eh? I'm quite surprised to hear that, but nature's a mother fucker sometimes. Crazy, crazy, but post a link to your grow journal, I'd love to follow along with you.
Thanks for your help man, not sure why this happened but I sent a pretty nasty email to the Dutch Fuckers that sold me the seeds.


Well-Known Member
Sucks it's a dude...do you have any females?

You can breed with him :-) Not sure if they beans will be FEM, but there's a possibility. :weed:


Active Member
Sucks it's a dude...do you have any females?

You can breed with him :-) Not sure if they beans will be FEM, but there's a possibility. :weed:
Yeah, I got a couple females. Nothing but pistolas on those. All grown from the same batch of WW seeds.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear Jim. Thanks for the rep though.

In my last garden, I had the most beautiful Jack Flash #5 plant (feminized, by Sensi seeds), it was the hardiest and best looking plant I had. Turned out to be male, just like yours. I emailed the seed bank I got the seed from but they ignored me as expected -- they won't talk about things related to the seed actually germinating and growing. Sucks... I hope you have better luck getting a refund or whatever than I did.


Active Member
Sorry to hear Jim. Thanks for the rep though.

In my last garden, I had the most beautiful Jack Flash #5 plant (feminized, by Sensi seeds), it was the hardiest and best looking plant I had. Turned out to be male, just like yours. I emailed the seed bank I got the seed from but they ignored me as expected -- they won't talk about things related to the seed actually germinating and growing. Sucks... I hope you have better luck getting a refund or whatever than I did.
I sent them an email, but not really worried about the refund. I did it to vent frustration, and I doubt I get any reply as I was not my normal polite and chilled self. I just hope my others continue on the right path and I can post some bud porn in a month or so. I appreciate you taking the time and helping me out.


Active Member
The very first post clearly indicated male.

Better luck next time around.
Hopefully it's better luck this time as I still have a couple of WW plants going that are very clearly female. The part that frustrates me the most is not that I got a male, it's that I bought something (Feminized Seeds) from what I thought was a reputable seed bank and didn't get it. No way I should have gotten a straight male. Oh well, hopefully I can forget about it when my females harvest and blow my mind !!!


New Member
You cannot blame the breeder for getting a male bean in a pack of fems. That is just a part of breeding they have no control over. It just happens from time too time...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I really can't see being terribly pissed about one seed. It could have just as easily been a hermie, it happens. With fem seeds you're going to have to watch for hermies the whole time real closely. I do it too, so I know the pain. I have to balance at the start every year, do I want feminized seeds and risk hermies, or do I want regular beans and do the cloning thing to get a batch of females?

I haven't seen a hermie with this strain ever either, so I'm kind of glad to hear it'll spit out an occasional male instead of throwing hermies all over the mix.


Active Member
You cannot blame the breeder for getting a male bean in a pack of fems. That is just a part of breeding they have no control over. It just happens from time too time...
Maybe they shouldn't throw around "Gurantees" all over the place if they can't actually follow through on the GURANTEE !!! Whatever though, I'm over it and I will grow the shit out of these female White Widow's


Active Member
Yeah, I really can't see being terribly pissed about one seed. It could have just as easily been a hermie, it happens. With fem seeds you're going to have to watch for hermies the whole time real closely. I do it too, so I know the pain. I have to balance at the start every year, do I want feminized seeds and risk hermies, or do I want regular beans and do the cloning thing to get a batch of females?

I haven't seen a hermie with this strain ever either, so I'm kind of glad to hear it'll spit out an occasional male instead of throwing hermies all over the mix.
You are a positive guy, thats cool. Plus rep for being chilled and helping out.