*Female? male/hermie indica/sativa? (pics)*


Well-Known Member

to keep it short only done 1 grow before in my grow tent, having many problems decided to wait awhile before next crop.

in the mean time got a 3 seeds out of some really nice bud i bought! i just stuck them in soil and left them on my widow i aint really cared for them or gave any adds or nutes, 2 of them have no sex signs i can see as yet but 1 does, i want to no does this 1 plant look a good anoth plant to stick in my grow tent under my 600w light or will it be more trouble than its werth? and does this plant look 100% female? also how can u tell if a strain is indica/sativa?
does that plant look ok?

many thanks for all post



Well-Known Member
what do u rekon werth putting in the box under the light? and put back into veg cycle or just carry the flower cycle it has started its self?


Well-Known Member
yes it is worth it, put that baby back in her tent and put the lights on 12/12. That looks like a nice plant with great potential. After a bad first experience you will be happy to get one flowering female to lift your spirits.


Well-Known Member
this plant hasnt as yet bin in the tent just on the widow, my last crop of 4 plants did get 12oz but had to crop early due to the BASTARD bud rott!

so.... stick her under on a 12/12 and carry on flower? or get some more height and width 1st on a 24/7?


Well-Known Member
yeah keep her on 12/12 in the tent because no matter what schedule the window was giving the plant, it is now in flower so you do not want to force it under 24 like a veg cycle. That will really stress the plant. If you keep that thing healthy a 600W HPS will double the size of that plant during 12/12 flower and give you a nice head stash.


Well-Known Member
shes about to go under the light in the morning, Question can i top her or do anything like that now she's in flower? and can i take clones at or not?