Female or Male?


Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm kinda new at growing. I managed with a little luck to grow a sativa to like 6.5ft tall, only to see it chopped down prematurely (in a retarded fit of paranoia) cuz my partner in crime's gf found out.

So I don't have a whole lot of experience really. I thought I knew how to tell the difference between a male/female. But this experimental plant I'm growing right now, I can't tell. Here's the best pics I could get. It's got the little nodes.. looks like its got both the female and male ones...

It's only about 20" tall, but I'm flowering.. have been for about a week.. is that long enogh to tell?



Well-Known Member
Okay, I'll wait another week then (?) and post new pictures. It's kinda scaring me because now I'm looking and I see a couple little ball clusters... So I'm kinda sad, but like everyone is saying it's too early to tell.. so I'm hoping that will turn out good for me.

I grew this one from a seed I found in some mid-grade mexican stuff I bought, was just screwin around lol. Probably has shitty genetics cuz the weed I smoked wasnt that great. But I would still love to see a yield of any kind.

As for my fingernails... they're actually pretty dirty and overgrown. I had just taken a shower :P


Well, I'm no smart guy, but if it starts growing white and red hairs, well it's a girl...if it grows things that look like testicles, well then, it's a boy. ha.


Well-Known Member
lol @ growing testicles. funny.

how crazy would it be if as we got older we just kept growing more balls like a male plant? bahahahaha

Yah you have to wait and see the white 2 pistols. But here is a tip: Males almost ALWAYS show first. If you see no males and then spot the first as a female, chances are they are all female.

Another hint for seed growers. Males generally grow taller and sprout first. This makes sense as they would want to drop pollen down on the girls. When I germinate seeds I pick the latest ones to pop open, and the ones with the shortest tail. I almost never get males using this technique and if I do the ratio is always under 4 to 1 female to male. Ah if I could only get that ratio in my local bar........ : P


Well-Known Member
lol @ growing testicles. funny.

how crazy would it be if as we got older we just kept growing more balls like a male plant? bahahahaha

Yah you have to wait and see the white 2 pistols. But here is a tip: Males almost ALWAYS show first. If you see no males and then spot the first as a female, chances are they are all female.

Another hint for seed growers. Males generally grow taller and sprout first. This makes sense as they would want to drop pollen down on the girls. When I germinate seeds I pick the latest ones to pop open, and the ones with the shortest tail. I almost never get males using this technique and if I do the ratio is always under 4 to 1 female to male. Ah if I could only get that ratio in my local bar........ : P

Let them know you have killer nugs to go along with the sac---chicks will come a runnin'. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I'm excited because I think it's a female.. I noticed white hairs (I think thats an indication of feminism?). And the balls I saw turned out to not really be balls, just the early early stages of lil penis lookin shoots (im pretty new to this if u havent guessed :P).

Anyways, here are some new pictures was hopin for some feedback. Thanks in advance.

PS: I noticed a lot of redding on the branches, you can see it in the second picture. Does anyone know what that's about?



Well-Known Member
Have you changed there photoperiod to 12/12 yet. Those things you called hairs are just pistols not white hairs that indicate the plant is a female. Your plant has not showed sex yet. Just a tip females usually show sex later than males do, so it could be good that your plant hasnt showed.


Well-Known Member
lol @ growing testicles. funny.

how crazy would it be if as we got older we just kept growing more balls like a male plant? bahahahaha

Yah you have to wait and see the white 2 pistols. But here is a tip: Males almost ALWAYS show first. If you see no males and then spot the first as a female, chances are they are all female.

Another hint for seed growers. Males generally grow taller and sprout first. This makes sense as they would want to drop pollen down on the girls. When I germinate seeds I pick the latest ones to pop open, and the ones with the shortest tail. I almost never get males using this technique and if I do the ratio is always under 4 to 1 female to male. Ah if I could only get that ratio in my local bar........ : P
I didnt read through all the post in this thread antil after i posted and I answered almost the exact same thing you did.


Well-Known Member
I vote for giving it another week to tell for sure. Thought I mighta seen a disfigured penis on the one on the right but not confident enough to proclaim it a male. The picture quality aint real high in that area. Nothing on the left one which would convince me its a male, at least not as of yet. Once they start growing peckers and testicles they are real easy to spot.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I'm excited because I think it's a female.. I noticed white hairs (I think thats an indication of feminism?). And the balls I saw turned out to not really be balls, just the early early stages of lil penis lookin shoots (im pretty new to this if u havent guessed :P).

Anyways, here are some new pictures was hopin for some feedback. Thanks in advance.

PS: I noticed a lot of redding on the branches, you can see it in the second picture. Does anyone know what that's about?
pic one looks like a male,

pic 2 i cant see well enough
does it look like this?