Female pre-flower? w/pic


Well-Known Member
newbee here but from what ive been reading i think it is not sure? I know the pic sucks i tryed to get a close up but my camera sucks and the magnify glass only made it worse anyways they aer all my plants they are white in color and right where they should be some of them at least on every plant i have.some have what appears to be a pistil coming from them, im only seeing one white thing coming from them so far. I guess whats blowing my mind is that all plants have them is it possible that i got that lucky? surely not?


Active Member
If all the plants have them its probably just the two little green things that sprout at the nodes.

Its really easy to pick out the female because they are WHITE/CLEARISH white hairs. The regular plant ones are green. If they're clearly white, then you're sitting on a nice fem.