Female seeds C99 ( Cinderella 99 ) , 430W , Hempy coco / perlite , Papa's grow

Hi all,
i'm new here and at the moment im doing my second grow of mighty sativa Cinderella 99.
And i thought lets document it!

Have 2 grow cabinets.Flower and veg

HPS 430w cooltube + some 20w CFLs

36w T8

Hempy buckets
Medium - coco coir/perlite 50/50
at the reservuar 100% coco chips
Nutes - Hesi coco starter kit
Water - RO ,every watering use 0.3EC-600ppm cal/mag - calcium nitrate / epsom salts ; 4 / 1
Watering cycle:
Flowering - 2 times a day with 30% run off.
Veg - once in two days.

Had 2 C99 beans.First i harvested month ago,being completely newbie ,i've made a lot of growing mistakes, the main mistake was
due my PH meters fault (it showed 1 unit lower number) so whole flowering i was feeding with 4.8 ph solution, OUCH! When i got my pen recalibrated,

Coco locket out at PH of 5 and i could nothing to do with it till the end..
And my grow ferts with NPK 3-4-5 seems to have too much nitrogen in it,leaves wilt,plant stunts grow and bye bye flowers.Now i delute my nutes with
lots of pk 13/14.Sometimes she takes even pure pk13/14.

So my first plant was tall lanky,the stems really should be stronger,so i gave her another chance - decided to reveg her.
After she was done i pruned some roots,transplanted in to new container,gave light veg nutes and 18/6 cycle.
Now thats my second plant.I started her when my first plant was in the middle flowering.
From the start this pheno showed shes has more indica in her than her sister i grew.Smell was diferent too.She was quite slow giving conditions,but
still ok! Shes in flowering now,so lets take a look at her whole veg cycle from start to flower , day 5 to 40 until transplant and flower cabinet.
Day 5.jpgday 17.jpgday 20.jpgday 22.jpgday 28.jpgday 32.jpgday 37.jpgday 40.jpgday 40 transplant.jpg
So its flip day.
After some reading one technique interested me. Supercropping.
Also some other grows ive been following showed me,stem strenght is the key to big buds.Thats why when u leave your plant untopped it grows one big cola instead of lots of small ones.
So i decided to made an experiment,
At flip day after i transplanted plant, cutted one third of the whole plant! left only 8 branches and i crushed all the stems... That! was stresfull! gave her lots of beneficials that day...

day 42 flip , transplant , topping, supecropping, LST.jpgday 42 fl.jpg
Flowering day 15
Shes fine, tied some branches and putted a SCROG net. Its not real SCROG this time,its just give me more control over canopy and hopefully will support big buds :)
fl day 15.jpgfl day 15 2.jpgfl day 15 3.jpgfl day 15 4.jpgfl day 15 5.jpgfl day 15 6.jpg
Remember revegged plant? Here shes 3 weeks after i transplanted her.Lots of new growth here... My plan is to scrog out this lady in next 30 days of veg! It will be bushy as hell and will need lots of pruning
revegg 3 weeks after 1.jpgrevegg 3 weeks after.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. I've been growing C99 for about a year now, and love it. I'll say the more Indica seeming pheno was actually the one I prefer, it was less branchy, and finished fast with some great buds.
I cant compare the high yet but for the smell i prefer Sativa pheno now.Even my revegged plant ,with small buds smels much stronger ,fruity smell,but u still cant recognise it as a weed. Of course i like the structure of an indica pheno more.. Maybe supercropping will help to keep sativa pheno more robust,ill definately experiment on her.So far as i can see supercropping does not stress C99 very much,she was perky almost all the time.And the more harm i do to the stems,the bigger they get..
I choped sativa at day 52.
I like how the plant is going.The problem was i broke my PH pen and i feed her blindly,well not so blind,i remember old dosages but they vary.
So i ordered another pen and will have to wait 2 weeks...
On top of that during training i broke the main stem (look pics).Now i know she took it like a champ and was perky all the time no prob.

Day 25-34
fl day 25.jpgfl day 25 stem.jpgfl day 27.jpgfl day 27 2.jpgfl day 29.jpgfl day 31.jpgfl day 31 2.jpgfl day 34.jpg
For those who interested how much she eats.
As i said before a all sativas do-shes sensitive to nitrogen.My NPK 3-4-5 nutes was too strong on nitrogen or i just overdose nutes,or maybe even other problem but the symptoms that too much nitrogen present folows me all the time.

I know coco needs less ferts than other hydro,so please keep in mind.
In flower i feed 1/3 recomended strenght. 1.2 EC or 600ppms is highest strenght i feed.Usualy i feed 1-1.2EC and get 0.8-1EC run off water.

Now im adding lots of pk 13/14 ,and shes still full of N...Do not forget calcium nitrate i add everyday with water which have lot of N. Maybe with low N content i could add nutes strenght to maybe 1.6 EC - 800ppm or similar? I'm newbie and im open to sugestions.
Just took some photos,so for any news u will have to wait

Flowering day 37 colas are 9inch or 24cm above the net..
fl day 37.jpgfl day 37 2.jpgfl day 37 3.jpg

From my last grow sativa pheno yelded me 50g dry and 5gr of highest quality ice hash from just trims others throw....
This grow,ok was an experiment, i really shouldnt stress her at the flip time.And i definately see how much i already lost not vegging her propely... So maybe 50gr (~2oz) max too.
My next grow with revegged sativa pheno should yield much more seriously. I just bought 6 gallons contrainer.This maybe even too much for hempy bucket,but we will see.

Remember my effective grow net area is like 2x1 feet really...

P.S. sorry for bad pics quality :(