Ok I lied apparently I did trim the bottom two sets of leaves. Forgot that I did
I also took a another cutting that I placed into a larger 710ml can but I placed this cutting into a space with only 46watts of CFL at 2 feet distance. That space is usually around 70F whereas the room I veg in stays around 80F sometimes hotter
The difference was that the 70F room with the cutting in the bigger can hasnt done a thing since the day I took the cutting. Both cutting were taken at the same time and it's interesting to see the difference. The cutting with the bigger can looks like I just took it and the stem looks just the same as it did the day I took it. no roots nothing. I attribute this to 70F being too cold to induce rooting with this method.
The cutting in the larger can is also much larger, and the leaves on this cutting were in fact never trimmed. I will include pictures so you can see all of this.
I have decided also that I will pull apart the soil around the stem of the cutting that I believe to be successfull... to see if there are roots.
Both these cutting were taken 11 days ago from today.
Here we go:
This is a cutting taken 11 days ago and soaked in water/dilute nutrient/dilute H2O2 for roughly a week(until white nubbies appear). It sat roughly 3 feet away from a 1000watt MH at a temperature of roughly 80F(I should mention I have CO2) and RH of around 50%
Ok now lets move onto cutting #2:
Cutting #2 was kept under 46watts of CFL at a distance of roughly 1 and a half feet. A temperature of 70F and a RH of 40%. It looks exactly as it did the day I took the cutting. You may notice the lower leaves are slightly crisped... it was already like that when I took it. Cutting #2 is also larger and none of the fan leaves were trimmed in half.
See no roots... but at least it isn't dead! The H2O2 keeps the water clean so no rot occurs and this cutting should be able to stay like this for quite some time
Now let's just see how cutting #1 is really doing...
The new shoots look healthy, and should start to grow as soon as a decent root system forms
The bottom two leaves have some deficiency starting, but that is fine, and there is no drying/death occuring
Just popped the cutting out of the 50/50 coco/perlite. The last watering was 850ppm
Well there you have it, I hope it works for you as well as it did for me