Female ?!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
...I was thinking its a female because of that 4th pic, but im still nervous ... haha ... its my first grow and im pretty excited about it. Thanks for the fast reply !


Well-Known Member
they are on 12 h a day from February 16. So its still the first week.
I asked this question before. Does anybody know if I should adjust the ph even AFTER i mix the nutrients??? coz the ph goes down a lot after i mixed the nutrients (i grow hydroponic).
Thanks for the replies !!!


Well-Known Member
thanks. I was adjusting the PH only before. After mixing the nutrients the ph was going down. around 6, and few of my plants leaves have small yellow spots...


Well-Known Member
After you add the nute.You'll start seeing white hairs here shortly.mine are just showing sex in veg so look at my journal theres a bunch of pics of female pre-flowers and males and even a hermi I have.Youu'll see what those hair will look like


Well-Known Member
Does anybody know if this is ok for the flowering room (lights) ???
I have: 33 500 lumens - soft loght (2400 k )
6 200 lumens - bright light (6500 k)
Everything that I have is CFL and three fluorescent grow lights.

Do you think I should add some more bright light ???