what i said you were completely wrong about has nothing to do with what your second question was.. at all.. a plant that is FORCED to produce male flowers on a female plant, only went hermie because it was forced to do so with w/e chemical was used ...
if a breeder didn't spray it with cs or w/e, it never would have hermied.. therefore, no hermie genetics were present in that plant..
that would be like saying because i cut your arm off all of your kids would be one armed.. now, say you were born with a genetic mutation that caused you to be born with one arm, than yes, that genetic mutation would be present in you and the chance of you having one armed kids is going to be higher..
as far as sex and cannabis is concerned, i've been trying to get to the bottom of this for a long time now.. some people say that seeds are eitehr male or female from the get go.. i say this is wrong, and that seeds can be either female or male, and that it's certain environmental factors in the first few weeks of veg that cause it to be either a female or a male, much in the way that aligator eggs are able to be either sex, and the tempurature of the eggs during nesting determines sex..
also, if a plant doesn't have both sexes present in the seeds, how can one explain hermie plants, or the expression of both sexes in a plant?
i've yet to really get a definitive answer either way, which makes me not an expert..