feminised seeds grow male plants WTF


Hi ya, pretty much as title says i got five fem seeds from dutch passion there the Snow Storm auto flowering, they all sprouted and grew well didn't take much care in looking for signs of gender as there ment to be fems. So im cleaning up around my plants, moving them and cleaning u know keeping thing tidy and i noticed one of them was looking good (from a distance) so i pick it up to have a better look and to my horror find that is a bloody male pollen sacs and all looking ripe. So i check the others to find three are male and the two others well im sure one will be female but the other is the runt of the pack and three weeks after sprouting its an inch high with only its first leafs showing :-?:cry:
well any way i got from the vendor a pack that had a tare in the packaging for free in replacement for a shoddy bag of seeds. So there's a result
But is this common to find males growing from fem seeds?? Caution to all if it is because he nearly pollinated my girls that he was next to.


Well-Known Member
they say if you femanize seeds right, they only have a 0.01% chance of getting a male... they just wanted to charge you more for regular seeds it sounds, or they shipped the wrong ones.


Active Member
Well if you put too much stress on the seedling it could possible turn male.


i took a picture of one before i binned it but i cant upload at the moment and i got a pic of the packet they came in, as i was gonna do a grow report.
As for stressing them i believe all was good, and were i got them from is very reputable like i said i got a replacement pack for free.
The seed bank is Dutch Passion im not knocking them but if you bought fem seed of theres i would watch them closely


Well-Known Member
Contact whomever sold you those seeds, im sure they would be more than obligated to replace. Thanks to the internet, word gets around fast an now a days companies are becoming more willing to fix mistakes because they know all it takes is one post somewhere and theyre done.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you got a batch of unstable feminized seeds. There are no true 'feminized' seeds, they're just stable hermis.


Active Member
Yeah you got screwed over, the amount of stress it takes to turn a plant hermie is a lot. I've put some femmed seeds through some bad times and still never saw as much as one banana.

Sorry bro


Well-Known Member
:joint:I've been using only fem seeds, and the thought of a male being in there haunts me in my sleep. so far all as been well, and every seed has produced a nice plant( except a few that didn't germanate). But no males and untill my cloning skills get allitle better, I will continue to buy fems. sorry to here bout your plants, I tink if you contact them they will make it right. happy grow'n:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i dont think this is a case of bad genetics or un stable crops. the way the OP talked about it, sounds like a case of severe mis packaging or maybe even total fraud.

what website did you get the seeds from?


I been looking in to it a bit more and it seems dutch passion have a common problem with there auto seeds
as ive read the posts on this and other forums were people have had the same as me.
Like i said i did get a bag free when i went back to the source. It could be mis packaging more likely, defo not fraud.