

Well-Known Member
So you researched it but this is what you chose to post? which I know you though it would do the opposite but it proves my point. Since argyrias only real symptom is a blue tinge to the skin and since it only occurs when EXCESSIVE amounts are taken then, its not really fucking poison is it? and yes just like every other natural remedy big pharma cant capitalize on its lobbied into a grey area. hmmm I wonder why its still used extensively in burn units for its anti bacterial/microbial properties
so like i said drink a bottle of gibbleric acid and see what happens cause ill drink a whole bottle of cs right now:hump:
I guess dude I'm still not going to drink either of them. I'll just stay with my daily regiment of Clorox ultra bleach 8 oz a day cleans out my system.:spew:


Well-Known Member
that site is ridiculously expensive
go to your health food store or herbal pharmacy
they will have it cheaper
I have heard you can soak your seeds in CS and feminize them
Is that true?
If it is i don't know why I haven't tried
I take CS too not every day though
Right now I'm feminising with sensa spray
works but is a photo toxin so i have to keep the plants out of direct light for a day and spa them down with water the next day before putting them under direct light again


Active Member
Here was how I was told to do it. First you need to grow two females and pic the very best two females you can find and hermie one of them, take the hermie pollen from the hermie plant and breed it with the other female, this will result in better femm seeds but to me honestly fem seeds arent worth it unless your micro growing.

Also its better to hermie them by spraying the silver on them than by messing with the lights its just something about light stress that is different than the chemical stress.