Feminized Autoflowers Outdoors Auto Ak 47, Lemon Skunk, and Diesel Ryder


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I wish these girls would hurry up, they're really starting to smell pretty great, i can definitely tell the lemony scent of the Skunk when compared to the more heavy spicy-ness of the AK, it smells like something ive smoked before but dont they all? Im excited, shouldn't be but another 7-10 days for the Skunk to finish and maybe 2.5 weeks tops for the AK, i had to clip the Top out of my more potent Skunk, saw a couple of signs of the beginning of bud rot so i figured id nip it in the bud, literally. Brought it in, kinda disappointing, maybe 25-35% amber trich's so its def not all the way ready but should still be a good smoke, a properly trimmed .8g (as pictured) was enough to stink my house up to the point my roommate thought i had brought all the ladies in. (Kind of made me smile inside, it will slap you in the face upon entry to my home though, cant wait to set it on fiya!:hump:)

Finally got my new ladies started, lost a California Hash Plant, barely sprouted and never looked strong, petered out before it ever got a true leaf set. Ive got the Diesel Ryder, the new AK and another Lemon Skunk already outdoors, probably 4-5 days in, i cant recall, the Dinafem Moby Dick and PowerKush sprouted a few days ago, today was their first day outside, they were being stubborn, i had to manually remove the shell from the cotyledons (sp?) and they didn't look like they wanted to open up so i let the persuasive intensity of the sun have its way with them, they're back in under a pair of 26w 6500k flouro's for now, i dont know if they're ready to brave the wind and rain of the outdoors just yet.

The New AK looks to be much more vigourous than the one i have now, im excited about that, the current one is just a stalk with nuggets at every node, if it was 6" taller it would yield twice what its going to.

Anyone have any experience with the Moby Dick or PowerKush? I got them as UFO's from attitude when i ordered my auto's, since the Moby has some Haze genetics im thinking im going to set her up in a little brighter area, hopefully concealed but this late in the season i dont think ill have to worry about too much height, i plan on topping above the 2nd or 3rd node, we'll see how the timeline works out.
Still more im forgetting and would like to say but ive rambled enough, if you guys have any questions or comments leave them, i enjoy the feedback and encouraging words as much i do having a log of my progress.

Happy Trails!

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Active Member
Well as i type this i am taking my first hits of the Lemon Skunk i cut the other day, yes i know, a pretty rapid dry, but for a bud that was less than a gram, 4 days in an open box was plenty, it was crispy to the touch, i threw it in my grinder and it practically exploded, .8g i easily 2 swisher cigarillos full, so for that i am stoked, maybe this quarter or w/e i end up with will last a little longer than i expected. BTW (im a cigar roller, i just cant consistenly use pieces, ive told friends i feel like im "doing weed" as oppopsed to enjoying it over time, much like simply swallowing a pill with a glass of water, or crushing it up and insufflating it...just my personaly opinion, how do you guys feel about methods of medicating?) I can definitely taste some chlorophyll but i didnt' expect any less after less than a week off the plant... the lemon is coming out more now towards the end as i enjoy my homegrown medicine, me and my roommate shared in the celebration and he is, quote "rip shitted", i also just checked out the site to show him what exactly we were smoking, lowlife automatic lemon skunk, and it says they rarely exceed 14" so i was rather proud to have both mine at 16", a small victory with an inumerable varitey of possibilities, but i take it for the words and pat myself on the back, still just a novice, only my 6 or 7th time, thank goodness for the internet and some quality threads which account for most of all my knowledge

Well after typing this, smoking, contemplating rolling another, rereading this to make sure i didn't make any gross errors (there were a few :) ) i have to say i am very pleased, its not other wordly high, but i am very high in the brain with a bit of a creeping couchlock, if i dont get up to go see the Hangover 2 pretty soon i may never make it

Hopefully harvest and smoke report posts to come soon

Ill take more pictures of the harvest, the last one was spur of the moment and i dont think you missed much, Have a great Sunday fellow tokers.


Well-Known Member
Heh, nice update and pics. I've had budrot before (last season) but never in an autoflower. Good looking out by nipping it in "the bud". And even nicer that you get to enjoy the fruits of your precautionary measures. Best of luck with your harvest. Cheers.


Active Member
Indeed pablo, i had a little last year on a bagseed indica, probably lost close to 2 ounces, i was only checking on her maybe once a week if even that much, got a solid 26oz off her otherwise though, still have about 1/2oz left from october so thats a plus, the bud rot wasnt too bad on the autos but they're so close to being done i didn't want to risk a spread, just a couple individucal calyx's. Id definitely have to recommend auto's for beginners if for no other reason than the much smaller surface area and the ease of inspecting for evverything, deficiencies, insects, mold/mildew.

And Danny, i really dont think you HAVE to use nutes on anything, you just increase the quality and probably the quantity of your product. Ive been using the fox farms line (grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom) i had left over from when i was cultivating indoors. I use a drop of superthrive (cause it sounds good and doesn't seem to hurt, idk...) when watering the seedlings but i stop that once they have a set of true leaves and then they get a week of plain water, then i nute every other feeding, lighter or heavier depending on how they took to the prior feeding, remembering they get rain in between my waterings, im sure every other watering sounds often to a lot of you veterans.

As for the soil, its just a standard miracle grow soil/perlite/vermiculite (1/3, 1/3, 1/3) mix, its very airy but id rather not have my pots sitting wet when we get downpours. I added some blood worms and bone meal as well as some dolomite lime to maintain the pH (not that ive checked it once in my life)

most of my methods follow the, "if it aint broke" concept, im always open to suggestions but i try to keep it as simple as possible and sprinkle in some advancements when i think the time is right.

Happy growing folks!


Active Member
why didnt you try topping one? is it not advisable with autoflower because of the short time?


Active Member
Yea, everything ive read says that you basically just hurts your yield, mine showed sex at like 8 days so theyd never have a chance to recover, if you wanna top stick with photoperiod strains, i almost always top those, via uncle ben's method, sometimes i go over the 3rd node just for an extra pair of colas, its all personal choice, i just enjoy it as a hobby really. And then i get to smoke it.


Well-Known Member
Yea, everything ive read says that you basically just hurts your yield, mine showed sex at like 8 days so theyd never have a chance to recover, if you wanna top stick with photoperiod strains, i almost always top those, via uncle ben's method, sometimes i go over the 3rd node just for an extra pair of colas, its all personal choice, i just enjoy it as a hobby really. And then i get to smoke it.
Agreed. However, I recall seeing some extremely rare circumstances reported on this site where folks have claimed to having successfully topped an Auto. But those are not the norm, and entirely strain dependent. I've never grown an auto that should have been topped.

I grew a (photoperiod) Kandy Kush last year that suffered from bud rot. It was disappointing, but I cut out what I needed to and harvested what I could. Despite the problems, it was the best weed I've ever had. I miss it. Cheers.


I have a 11 day old auto bigbud...got two sets of 3 leaves can I transplant out of a cup or wait for a sign of sex?


Active Member
First of all this has been giving me a fit to organize the pictures so im going to post this and then a second with the rest.
I finished up with the autoflowers, clipped the last of the AK. All in all i will probably do at least 1 autoflower run every year just because its neat to see it grow and mature so quickly, BUT i didn't get more than 14g off any of the 7 i harvested with the AK having a terrible bud:leaf ratio, packed with leaves and small little tight buds, potent, just no quantity at all. The Lemon Skunk was Solid, between that and the diesel ryder id say its a toss up, you cant go wrong. I still have a little diesel ryder left, its a creeper high, tastes great, not as strong an odor as i imagined, lemon skunk will stink your place up!

Ive got 1 Dinafem Diesel female and 2 Sativa hybrids that came from a random bag a few years ago at the coast.
It seems i got lucky this year, barring any hermies ive got 3 females, the only 3 seeds i put straight in the dirt this year. The 2 sativa's are much larger (5' and 4.5') than the Dinafem Diesel (3.5'), i almost lost her as a seedling, nursed her back to health, shes still spindly but looks like she'll provide me with some quality medication.
My sativa's just showed sex on Sept 1, incredibly late, no way these girls will get to finish around these parts, first frost around halloween or shortly there after, thanksgiving if im beyond lucky.
Either way, i wont be a begger and a chooser, im excited, hope this will last me through next season, just quit my job to go back to school, no extra $ for greenery now!

Bring on the commentary, im always in search of good advice!
Happy Harvesting everyone!

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Active Member
the second of the two bagseed ladies...
about 2 months worth of growth here i suppose, just like the other sets, not too shabby for a part time hobby, pleased with the progress for sure....
tell me how im doing!

Reggie B 7-15.jpgReggie B 7-15(2).jpgReggie B 7-27.jpgReggie B 8-24.jpgReggie B 8-25.jpgReggie B 9-2.jpg


Active Member
idk where you're at but its getting a little late in the season here, 3 sets of leaves id say you could transplant or wait, i had an AK47 that never got over 11" tall and finished in about 2-2.5 months but i had a diesel ryder that got up to around 25" and took the better part of 3.5-4 months to finish up.


Active Member
Had trouble with my last post, maybe this one will work

This is the Diesel, about 6 weeks into flower i suppose, hopefully nice and done by halloweenie



Active Member
Bagseed Sativa from a long lost bag of seeds. Planted late in the season, probably 6 weeks old when i put them in the ground around mid July, could've been a monster for sure...the smaller of the two actually



Active Member
This is my big girl, thought it was gonna be a HE til the last minute, took til september 1 to show me a pistil, no way these girls will get to finish unless winter comes extra late, ive taken them a week or two into november before but they need all of it to really fatten up :-( oh well, i wont complain, it could be much worse i know

