”Feminized” or “Regular” seeds....and why?


Well-Known Member
Correct, though Id never mess with either 1.
Nevil was 1 of the 1st to mess with it back in the 80s, and offered pure rudi, but ended up giving up on it. And when you breed them, the Rudi/Potency, or lack of, will become dominant in future crosses. According to Nevil.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Correct, though Id never mess with either 1.
Nevil was 1 of the 1st to mess with it back in the 80s, and offered pure rudi, but ended up giving up on it. And when you breed them, the Rudi/Potency, or lack of, will become dominant in future crosses. According to Nevil.
I've never run any autos either. Although my Ass Cheese and Ass Cheese Blues started flowering in May and they didn't look back. {both are down now, just a little larf left on the ACB}


Well-Known Member
I'm a bit late to the discussion but I'll throw my 2 cents in.

I've learned that not all feminized seeds are the same. Lots of the variables that cause a plant to hermie can be attributed to the breeder and how they feminized the strain. It also depends on the strain too.

I've always grown feminized seeds and for the most part never had an issue with herms. I've had maybe 10% of plants herm on me, and even then it was never that bad. I always grew feminized because of limited space and resources, I just couldn't afford the space to pop twice as many seeds.

Nowadays I have the space and resources to pop regular seeds and have no issue culling the males out of my grow.

Mr Soul from Brothers Grimm did a really good interview with the Dude Grow Show talking about this exact thing. He goes into lots of details about how he S1's his feminized seeds, and how different techniques achieve different results. It's worth the listen.



Well-Known Member
@Tim1987 arent you the same person that's telling the noobs that Autoflower plats are made by crossing regular plants with Hemp, and NOT Rudarilis?
I remember that thread. Made the mistake of calling the variety "hemp" because that's what it was originally used for. But was deemed impractical, because the fibres weren't long enough. Or tenacious enough.
It was also pointed out that "hemp" translates to "shirt" in the Kongo.
If you're going to call someone out. At least back up what you say.
I personally don't want to introduce a plant that has less than 5% thc.

Terminology has never been my strong point. I had never even heard of feminized or auto flower until a couple years ago.
Call it naive. Call it ignorance. I'm only learning like you.

Thank-you Larry for explaining this piece of information to me, about the process, of feminized seeds.. You are the first to be able to break it down in this detail to explain it to me. It was detail I've needed to understand.
You know you shizz. Thank-you.

If anyone notices, I'm always asking questions.

Blake, you can't fault me for being human. You weren't able to properly explain these processes when I asked the right questions to you.
I was asking you for help and advice that day, and you took it as a challenge.

Please help me understand, if I ask you a simple question. Instead of attempting to troll me.
Get your head, out of your arse. RIU is a place for learning.

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Well-Known Member
^^^^^ I had been planting pointy end down since Sub Cool said it was the right way. Someone on here had told me that was backward. Now I will make a real effort to go pointy end up.

Just think about it logically.
The root tip comes out of the pointed end, not the end with the round indention. No way its cracking there, and then displaying a tap root.

Pointed end cracks, root tip comes out. Ive been growing for 47 years though, and found this out long ago.

too larry

Well-Known Member
. . . . . . . .Terminology has never been my strong point. I had never even heard of feminized or auto flower until a couple years ago.
Call it naive. Call it ignorance. I'm only learning like you.

Thank-you Larry for explaining this piece of information to me, about the process, of feminized seeds.. You are the first to be able to break it down in this detail to explain it to me. It was detail I've needed to understand.
You know you shizz. Thank-you. . . . . . . . .:peace:
I was out of the game for 11 years. Only started back in '15. I didn't know about any of the new stuff. I found Sub Cool's Weed Nerds on You Tube, and that led me to RIU. I've learned a lot on here. Lots of the older growers don't mind sharing info. It was way more open and free wheeling a couple three years ago when I was a noob. {lots of big time growers have left for IG. The Rec vote in Cali broke the outdoor section of RIU}

T-dub was really good about answering questions. He would explain why you did what you did, but in lots of the cases, I just retained the do what you do part of it, and not the why.

Watch the video posted above about breeding. He explains it where you can understand it. But the big takeaway as far as selfing a plant, it is a hormonal process not a genetic one.


Well-Known Member
I was out of the game for 11 years. Only started back in '15. I didn't know about any of the new stuff. I found Sub Cool's Weed Nerds on You Tube, and that led me to RIU. I've learned a lot on here. Lots of the older growers don't mind sharing info. It was way more open and free wheeling a couple three years ago when I was a noob. {lots of big time growers have left for IG. The Rec vote in Cali broke the outdoor section of RIU}

T-dub was really good about answering questions. He would explain why you did what you did, but in lots of the cases, I just retained the do what you do part of it, and not the why.

Watch the video posted above about breeding. He explains it where you can understand it. But the big takeaway as far as selfing a plant, it is a hormonal process not a genetic one.
Thank-you Larry.
Thank-you smokebros.

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too larry

Well-Known Member
Just think about it logically.
The root tip comes out of the pointed end, not the end with the round indention. No way its cracking there, and then displaying a tap root.

Pointed end cracks, root tip comes out. Ive been growing for 47 years though, and found this out long ago.
Until I saw Sub Cool talk about it, I had never thought of it. But the way he explained it made sense. The hinge opens up and the root pushes it to the top. Someone else had told me {even had a video} the pointy end should go up.

For years I scattered seeds in a shallow tray, then transplanted once they sprouted. I thought it was less work knowing how many cups to label.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I plant my seeds about 3/4 inch deep in the soil. Don't care which way it's pointing, as long as it's deep and moist enough. Never had a germination problem so far with good seeds.
It will find it's way to the light. I have good germ % too. Back in the day my main strain was call The Stand. If you planted 100 seeds and only got 99 sprouts, you would wonder what the problem was. {I used to be a big Steven King fan too}
Thanks for all the great replies! I learned a lot more than I expected to and that’s awesome! That video was really informative.

...I've learned a lot on here. Lots of the older growers don't mind sharing info. It was way more open and free wheeling a couple three years ago when I was a noob. {lots of big time growers have left for IG. The Rec vote in Cali broke the outdoor section of RIU}

T-dub was really good about answering questions. He would explain why you did what you did
What is the “IG?” Why did the rec vote in CA break the Outdoor section?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the great replies! I learned a lot more than I expected to and that’s awesome! That video was really informative.

What is the “IG?” Why did the rec vote in CA break the Outdoor section?
IG stands for Instagram.

I believe he's implying that specific sub-forum was inundated with an influx of posts from Cali outdoor growers shortly after legalization.
IG stands for Instagram.

I believe he's implying that specific sub-forum was inundated with an influx of posts from Cali outdoor growers shortly after legalization.
Gotcha! That makes a lot of sense. Sucks they left RIU like that, though. Thanks for the clarification - I’m kinda slow with all the acronyms. Lol

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
ruby fruit,

Because otherwise they dont grow big enough here. My climate sucks. Cold, wet, and damp. The ground is too cold all year.
I'm talking about starting seedlings.
I'm an indoor noob. 3 years indoors so far.
I started growing my own plants. With my own compost piles, when i was 19. Seeded my first crop.
Went from there.


Yep I'm with you now cheers
Gd luck this season mate
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