Feminized seeds and supercropping ?

Boris Sputnik

Active Member
Hi all !

Is it risky to supercrop plants from feminezed seeds ? And is topping a young plant enough stress to cause it to hermi ?

Thanks !



Well-Known Member
depends on the strain and breeder

most are pretty stable

but Kali mist for example throws balls a lot of the time no matter what you do with it

Supercrop and topping and LST methods normally don`t add more chance of a male plant just if you don`t know the plant is female you could be wasting quite a bit of your time

Any fem`d seed has a chance to hermi most stable seeds are reg`s that you sex later

Normally most are even fine when you monster crop

I only get males if I over use GA3 (like 4 to 10x the normal dosage) or some strains don`t like over 16/18 hours for veg, or fucking around with lights during dark period during flower, bad light leaks and such

You should be fine even most unstable strains aren't too effected sex wise by LST or supercropping


Well-Known Member
Answer to both questions is "no". Plant structure from a fem seed is identical to regs, so no issue with super-cropping. As for topping, as long as the plant is healthy, it causes very little stress and growth is barely slowed.


Well-Known Member
saying that I have seen the part of a plant above the knuckle ripen about 2/3 weeks faster than everything below the knuckle

staggered harvest or no buds bellow the knuckle would be where I`d go if that kept happening, don`t normally snap or knuckle the main stem as much as that one had anyway, it was outside think it got smacked into or something can`t remember how it got like that now, lol


Well-Known Member
Supercropping does not really stress plants much,
Super cropping will cause stress to a feminized strain it will cause stress to a reg grown plant,but has long has the breeder is good then you should be fine,feminized seeds are far more likely to turn on you,over a regular picked female,There is a talk on it on you tube where tga's subcool ringo and dj shorts talk about it,but i'm not going on what they say,i'm going on all the years i have grown,because a feminized seed is made by stressing a female regular grown plant into producing male pollen,so it has both female and male traits these lay withing the plant,and are far more likely to show there ugly mug over a 100% female.A true female can turn on you,if it gets stressed too much,but you can stress a true female far more than a feminized seed without the worry of it seeding,Feminized seeds have come a long way,though and most are good stable plants,its the reason i don't like to grow from feminized seed clones i have had them turn on me a good few times,where has my regular seed grown clones i grow year after year.My view others will not agree,but i think feminized seeds are for one grow,then if you want to do it again i start with a fresh seed,that's not to say they don't work,because it more than likely will , seeded buds no good for what i want it for,unless i'm crossing a true male with a true female,for the purpose,of reg seeds that i will sex and work with that,for has long has i need to.If you are growing one strain most of the time and you have the choice in reg or fem seeds all ways go with the reg and sex,and select a female with traits you need for the room you are growing in.But if you are going for a different flavor every grow then go with feminized seeds,saves all the sexing,long term use of one strain regular,there is not much in a clone and a seedling grown side by side set seed going same time has clone is took you find there aint much in it,any how just my view good luck

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Well-Known Member
Ive never found feminized seeds to be anything but great, the percentage of hermies has dwindled to barely any as ive got better. Surely there are some regular seeds that hermie lots as well so i would say its more a strain specific question not reg vs feminized. Fem seeds werent great up until a point but that was way before i started, since then i dont see that they have changed much let alone improved. No strain is 100% hermie proof that i know off, at the end its down to skill and an awesome strain as to results you want.


Well-Known Member
Ive never found feminized seeds to be anything but great, the percentage of hermies has dwindled to barely any as ive got better. Surely there are some regular seeds that hermie lots as well so i would say its more a strain specific question not reg vs feminized. Fem seeds werent great up until a point but that was way before i started, since then i dont see that they have changed much let alone improved. No strain is 100% hermie proof that i know off, at the end its down to skill and an awesome strain as to results you want.
Feminized seeds are great but show me a feminized mother that's 7/8 year old like some of my reg mothers ,let me put that a other way I let my plant get up to a height where I need to re clone and re veg mother,but that plant is still 7/8 year old.feminized seeds are a one hit grow for me ,I feel no need to keep a mother of a plant that the seeds are all ways available in feminized form,Once you start growing regular grown plants then you will know what I mean.they are far more hardy but you have to take time to select a pheno with traits that suit your needs ,be it taste smell,structure,that's up to you ,then just clone this has long has you want,in the end you will turn to males and start crossing your own plants,this sometimes takes years to get right but I have been lucky a few time with just straight crosses like my livers v cheese,Bazil kush.Has long has you stick to good breeders than the odds of getting seeds that will ruin your crops will be far less,your right feminized seeds have come a long way,from when I first started,there was no internet well there was but none of us thought it would catch on lol how wrong was we,my first grow was a thia weed grow when I was 15 ,seeds from bud I was buying in bulk,back then you got 9 oz perhaps 5 oz of that was bud rest seed,That is why I still to this day love hash ,hash is the way to go,for me but I each to there own.super cropping in my view will stress a plant,you can see this if you grow hydroponics because straight after the cropping ,the plant slows down feeding ,but will pick back up.

Good luck with what ever you grow
Jha bless
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Well-Known Member
Hi all !

Is it risky to supercrop plants from feminezed seeds ? And is topping a young plant enough stress to cause it to hermi ?

Thanks !

The only difference between a feminized seed and a non-feminized seed is that the feminized seed will guarantee a female.


Well-Known Member
We both know that we could supper crop and make mothers with fem seeds and clones and neither of us would worry about hermies. I dont doubt that regs have one or two distinct advantages over fems but i can pretty much do most things with fem seed just as good as regs.

Im in small tent illegal grower demographic, i neither have time nor space for regs even though in a perfect world i would use them all the time.

For me hermie is hard wired into every plant and before domestication was an awesome reproductive tool in the bad years in the wild, i find it more a direct correlation to environment not pruning.

Feminized seeds are great but show me a feminized mother that's 7/8 year old like some of my reg mothers ,let me put that a other way I let my plant get up to a height where I need to re clone and re veg mother,but that plant is still 7/8 year old.feminized seeds are a one hit grow for me ,I feel no need to keep a mother of a plant that the seeds are all ways available in feminized form,Once you start growing regular grown plants then you will know what I mean.they are far more hardy but you have to take time to select a pheno with traits that suit your needs ,be it taste smell,structure,that's up to you ,then just clone this has long has you want,in the end you will turn to males and start crossing your own plants,this sometimes takes years to get right but I have been lucky a few time with just straight crosses like my livers v cheese,Bazil kush.Has long has you stick to good breeders than the odds of getting seeds that will ruin your crops will be far less,your right feminized seeds have come a long way,from when I first started,there was no internet well there was but none of us thought it would catch on lol how wrong was we,my first grow was a thia weed grow when I was 15 ,seeds from bud I was buying in bulk,back then you got 9 oz perhaps 5 oz of that was bud rest seed,That is why I still to this day love hash ,hash is the way to go,for me but I each to there own.super cropping in my view will stress a plant,you can see this if you grow hydroponics because straight after the cropping ,the plant slows down feeding ,but will pick back up.

Good luck with what ever you grow
Jha bless