feminized seeds from nirvana


Active Member
Hello all. Im interested in buying feminized seeds from nirvana.. Im porbably gonna get PPP and snow white. My main concern is are they really 100% feminized and guaranteed to be grown as female plants? Does nirvana have good quality seeds? Also, since I live in one of the coldest states, would it be fine if the seeds were sitting in the mail box for a few hours until I get to them? Oh and one more question, when they say like harvest month 9/10 is that including for indoor growing? Can I grow them anytime of the year as long as I Maintain the temperature?


Well-Known Member
you can get better feminized seeds from other breeders for less money, nirvana are ok for the regs at low cost but their fems cost about 100 bucks for 10 and you could get something else thats better for that money.


Well-Known Member
i grow Pure Power Plant, its one of me & my buddies favorite strains. please dont order feminized seeds, they are almost gaurentee'd to hermaphrodite. ive seen it happen countless times, and ive seen growers get pissed at having every single budlet have bananas on them. we've been growing PPP for over a year with great results, we've used several moms - im certain youll get similar success if you just get the real deal and not feminized seeds.

to answer your other question, yes you can grow at any time of the year indoors. its freezing outside, but in my apt its nice and tropical. also, indoor grows usually vary between 55 to 65 to 75 day strains. hope that helps, good luck!


Active Member
thanx chronicle.. that really helped.. Im glad I saw ur msg before ordering those seeds.. so does nirvana sell quality seeds? im ordering these seeds cuz i have white widow seeds, i sprouted all ten and they grew to about an inch each and not growing much after this.. i have them in organic plug and i see some roots out of the organic plug but i dont see any new leaves or length in growing.. temperature is about 80.. i dont think i did anything wrong growing these seeds but i dont see why they arent growing much.. its been about 5 days and not much improvements.. any help would be appreciated chronicle..


Well-Known Member
since you see roots popping out of the plug, its definately time to plant them - thats why they arent growing. just plant the plug itself in a nice medium and theyll take off after a few days. nirvana sells good seeds, im not sure if it was shiva or a different strain that my buddy grew from nirvana but they are reputable. white widow is a cool strain, ive grown that too and it was really sweet tasting.