Feminized seeds in general

Dank Hands

Active Member
Hello Rollitup, long time med gardner first time poster.

I was wanting to know whats up with feminized seeds. I have never tried using them because one of my bros(experienced), tried a barneys farm fem run of ST and they all hermied on him. I noticed a few seedbanks stopped selling reg seeds. I have a bunch of attitude fem freebies and I wanted to make a couple mums out of em. But, if they seriously might hermie, I definitaly wont because i dont want that anywhere near everything else. Any advice is much appriciated.

thank you, DH


Well-Known Member
it really depends on the breeder id say. while all fem seeds still have a chance (albeit smaller) to turn male or hermie, fem seeds from a good solid breeder should not give problems. that being said, peoples like TGA, Mr Nice, and DJ Short dont make fem seeds.

as far as the reason for fem seeds, its not always because a breeder is hording genetics or doesn't want you to make a cross. you gotta remember some strains are just clone onlys, usually specific phenos from a certain plant. and because of this, no male versions of that pheno exist, and the only way to make seeds of those strains (ie: GDP) so that they are available in seed form to the public is to make some fem seeds.

hope that helps!


Well-Known Member
actually fem seeds have no chance of being male at all. Every once in a great while i hear a horror story about fem seeds like all of them going hermie but the vast majority of the time i see fem seed grows all goes well and no hermies or at worst a hermie plant or 2, which isnt that uncommon when using reg seeds either.


Well-Known Member
actually fem seeds have no chance of being male at all.
tell that to all the people who had exactly that happen in the cali connection thread https://www.rollitup.org/seed-strain-reviews/492579-cali-connection-seeds-what-deal.html

im not looking to argue with you but how can you honestly say that theres no chance of fem seeds popping up the random stray male? ive read on these very forums reports of fem seeds popping the occasional male from breeders like Cali Conn, GreenHouse, and Barneys.

not looking to go tit for tat with you on this, but you're wrong buddy.

and to the OP (Dank Hands) look it up for yourself if you dont believe me. check out threads on the subject on this message board, there are plenty of them.

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
do you know how fem seeds work? it makes it impossible for a fem seed to be male, only hermie or female.
do you understand that not all breeders make their fem seed stock the same way?

so you cant go telling someone that it's not possible to get a male from fems because if they go buy a 10 pack of GHSC bubba kush feminized or some other garbage companys feminized seed they most likely will indeed end up with both males and hermies especially if they run ~100.

if you've never had a fem seed go male then you either havent grown enough of them, or your the luckiest person ever, or you've been blessed to never order from a poor company that uses poor methods.


Well-Known Member
if you get a male from fem seeds you got ripped off. if you do they are not fem seeds, its that simple. i suppose it is possible the people you are talking about were lied to and told they had bought feminized seeds so they got some males from the supposedly feminized seed but my original point still stands. no hard feelings of course, sometimes i may come off a bit harsh, sorry if that was the case to you earlier.

Dank Hands

Active Member
I think im gonna just give my freebie fem seed stash away. Doesnt seem worth the risk of possibly pollinating everything, even though it would be nice to have a nice new mum.

BTW, thats the first ive ever heard of someone saying reg seeds becoming hermie isnt uncommon. You have to make a mistake and stress the ladies out to turn them into trannys when using regseed/clone.

thanks for the posts guys
I need to post some pics of some ladies and some dank so everyone doesnt think im a virgin farmer


Well-Known Member
no, i said it isnt THAT uncommon compared to reg seeds going hermie. in other words you are just as likely to get hermies from reg seeds.


Well-Known Member
I think im gonna just give my freebie fem seed stash away. Doesnt seem worth the risk of possibly pollinating everything, even though it would be nice to have a nice new mum.

BTW, thats the first ive ever heard of someone saying reg seeds becoming hermie isnt uncommon. You have to make a mistake and stress the ladies out to turn them into trannys when using regseed/clone.

thanks for the posts guys
I need to post some pics of some ladies and some dank so everyone doesnt think im a virgin farmer
Ok I will have them lol... Dude don't listen to the first few people who post! They work, give them a chance and if you see nanners cut it! simple as that. I've never had a hermi or a male from FEM seeds. Bagseed I had a true hermi and plenty males lol.. I'm not saying there not out there I'm just simply stating that if you stick with reliable breeders you have a really good chance of never having a problem!

Dank Hands

Active Member
Wow smellytreez. I guess thats what I was fishing to hear, lol.
I have never had a hermie. Can you see the nutsacks easy before you flower them?
So you think all my dinafem freebies are pretty solid...sweet!


Well-Known Member
Wow smellytreez. I guess thats what I was fishing to hear, lol.
I have never had a hermie. Can you see the nutsacks easy before you flower them?
So you think all my dinafem freebies are pretty solid...sweet!
Honestly when they hermi hard unless your a commercial grower if you don't notice it umm you need to look at your plants more lol... The one bagseed i had that hermied showed sex and around 3 weeks later bananas started popping up everywhere! Cut it down right when i noticed, it does suck bad and it does happen fairly fast but it was very easy to spot and I was still new to growing at the time! If its a legit breeder thats having hermi's from fems thats one thing but to call out all fem seeds is just ignorant IMO. Fem haters lol.. I haven't even said anything about the multiple friends I have on here and in person that would back me up on that statement!
I personally don't have direct experience with dinafem but I would be pretty damn confident that you have nothing to worry about! heard great things about them.