Well-Known Member
yo i think i read on another post that you water your super soil with tap water? if you use RO water with super soil you have to use cal-mag sub says one of my favorite thread, lots of pics of buds grown in supersoil, that might convince you!
Just plain water bud, ... I rock the supersoil, if you read through the journal you will find my supersoil recipe.
The light has the same frame and same lens, only I don't know if it has the same inside components, and most likely has different spectrum configuration. You might need to water less, it depends on your setup I don't know, I dont really pay attention to the frequency of watering, I have enough going on that I have to check the room daily but I don't water all that often.
Everyone seems to be growing in soil with LED but I really prefer aero, hence why I asked about EC values which by the way is electrical conductivity. It is essentially a measurement of the salts in the solution. In case anyone wants to know EC values in aero 1.5 - 1.6EC is perfect for allround use. Sorry if this is high jacking the thread...
Like Endur0xX I use tap water, and I know what's in it because I treat it for a living.
Yo so I've been looking into new LEDs what's the coverage of your fero? Is there a stronger fero with more coverage?