FERO 336x3W and more, perpetual 12-12

Nice job on the hanging party cup girls End. I told Sidd to do the same thing three weeks ago when he said his girls were below his canopy, He should have listened. :-P
Hey Dank 420, I am glad to hear that your are getting into brewing your own teas!!

I am just getting back into it, I was so busy and away my last couple grows, my plants received nothing else than water.

I will share my limited knowledge on the subject (dont quote me on anything)

First, I believe if you are feeding with commercial chemical fertilizer, you might be wasting your time with teas. The idea behind teas is to feed the soil, not the plants (allthough it can be use as foliar spray if diluted, tons of benefits if you do so) So in an organic environment, the soil is alive and the idea is to feed the soil with microbes so they break down the nutes and the roots can use all that food up much more efficiently.

The first time I made a compost tea was on my first grow journal, I found it just now:

  • in this one, I used:
    1/2 cup of guano ( or less )
    1/2 tsp humic acid ( or less )
    about 15 grams of Alfalfa (protein powder I had for human consumption, 100% pure alfalfa it says!...)
    1tbs organic blackstrap molasses unsulphured (or more)

I think the main ingredient is blackstrap molasses (usually I dilute it with water on the stove...), microbes need something sweet to munch on to expand their colonies. After there is unlimited combination of ingredients, but since you are only trying to feed the soil, less is more!! I usually start with EWC (worm poop) and bat guano in a sock or wrapped in a cheese cloth, often use liquid kelp, humic acid ... if you make it strong, you can use it as is on mature plants but diluted is always fine, just trying to feed the soil some microbes here!!

Once you got your ingredients sorted out, you need a container, a 5 gallons filled 2/3 up with water (use water that has sat 24 hours, chlorine kills microbes....) is a good size for small op, and an aquarium air pump. I cant remember what is the proper amount of bubbling, the bigger the container the bigger the air pump. I got away with 1/4 inch pipe for a 5 gallons container but was told its borderline... currently using 2x 1/4 inch pipe in a garbage can because its all I got and its working fine... then you hang the sock above the bubblers and leave it alone 36+hours or until ready. You will know when its ready, it gets foamy.


There is a wonderful website that can help you along the way (you can buy high quality EM, another key ingredient to brew the best teas, but you dont NEED it, just want it hehe)

You can buy ready made teas ( a pouch full of good stuff, only got to hang it!) and they foam very well and fast. The woman that runs the store could help answering your questions about what size pump to use and more...

Enjoy your new hobby bro! hopefully this will inspire other growers!!

A peak at my yard!! I will harvest a ton of grapes from my seedless tree this year, also the next pic was an experiment, I put plants outside after harvest and one of them made it!! Its a slow grower, a little confuse as to why she is still alive but she will flower once again for me, only it will be a small harvest. Next to it is a male that I didnt want to kill and was shocked when I pulled it out of a container but it survived, could be a tga or acapulco gold ... but I think I will not really get much pollen out of it so its just there, so the revgged plant has a friend!! hoping to get some seeds we shall see!!


forgot to say what was in the current brew!

I eyeballed everything and have no idea of the quantities..

in the sock

bat guano
flower mix ( from welcome harvest farm I think, part of the ingredients in my soil recipe

I would say those 3 together was just over 1 cup total, not 1 cup of each!! allthough it would have been ok for such a big tea

In the water:

fish emulsion
liquid kelp
sea crop (sea minerals fertilizer)

I forgot to add the humic acid, it would have been good in there but as you can see, simple ingredients and I got the nice foam happening after 48hours. A better pump would probably give me better results.

I used half of it yesterday ( indoor/outdoor gardens, tomatoes potatoes everything!!) then I simply added another 7-10 gallons of plain water without re-amending, and its still brewing ... I dont know how long you can keep it going... but I will use it all within a day now, and start fresh.

some people feed their cannabis plants teas only and get amazing results, but you gotta be a pro a it...
Endur you get jiggy on your teas.. Mine is more simple.

5 gal bucket of tap water aerated for a day. (4gal water)

1.5 tbsp per gal of botanicare molasses (way cheaper and better than blackstrap). Aerate for an hour. The time it takes for molasses to.neutralize any chems left in tap water

Add 1/2 oz of age old kelp ( 1tsp per gal)

1/2 tbsp of epsom salt per gal water

2 handfuls of ancient forest compost.

Aerate for 18 hours and done. Best compost tea ever.

You dont need to heat up water for molasses. Just keep stirring til it mixes completely. Takes 30 seconds.

Only add guanos to tea if you have a deficiency. Better results if guano is mixed into soil. I got that from Dr. Elaine ingham video seminar. She was right. I haven't used guano in a tea since I saw that.

I found that ewc is only good during veg. It produces alot of nitrogen. Af produces way more bacteria and fungi and enzymes.

Feed tea every other watering.

No need to add humic. That is the end result of decomposed material ie compost. Af and ewc both humic.
Endur you get jiggy on your teas.. Mine is more simple.

5 gal bucket of tap water aerated for a day. (4gal water)

1.5 tbsp per gal of botanicare molasses (way cheaper and better than blackstrap). Aerate for an hour. The time it takes for molasses to.neutralize any chems left in tap water

Add 1/2 oz of age old kelp ( 1tsp per gal)

1/2 tbsp of epsom salt per gal water

2 handfuls of ancient forest compost.

Aerate for 18 hours and done. Best compost tea ever.

You dont need to heat up water for molasses. Just keep stirring til it mixes completely. Takes 30 seconds.

Only add guanos to tea if you have a deficiency. Better results if guano is mixed into soil. I got that from Dr. Elaine ingham video seminar. She was right. I haven't used guano in a tea since I saw that.

I found that ewc is only good during veg. It produces alot of nitrogen. Af produces way more bacteria and fungi and enzymes.

Feed tea every other watering.

No need to add humic. That is the end result of decomposed material ie compost. Af and ewc both humic.

thanks for sharing, to answer your question dank, if you grow in supersoil or organic, the soil will benefits from the first application, some make weaker teas and feed teas every watering, I just finished 2 grows without any... its more about how much time/effort you want to put into it. Personally, now that I am home I will try to make it once a week(7-10days) but since I grow in supersoil in big container 12/12 from seed I dont feel like I need it every other watering.

You will know when your tea is good to go, it will be all foamy. depending on your setup/recipe, it can take up to 48hours before you get the most out of it... but if its not foaming, you are missing something or its not ready!
Should never let your tea go longer than 48 hours. At that point protozoa forms and eats all the bacteria and fungi and creates nitrogen cyclers.
If you want to get more out of your amendments you want nitrogen cyclers in your tea. Not to mention you want them in your soil as well.
lol what am I suppose to do now!? hehe well I just used diluted tea (72+ hours old) on my best plants in the tent, lets hope for the best!!
what is nitrogen cyclers anyway?

I gotta say the tea wasnt as foamy as yesterday, the smell was still sweet.
Its basically when organisms feed on bacteria and fungi then excrete nutrient minerals. Protozoa eats bacteria and shits out nitrogen. Like bat guano but on a microscopic level.

That tea is high in nitrogen. Very low on bacteria and fungi if any at all.
huh... Ill have to read more about this, thanks for keeping me informed... my tea was still fairly bubbly so I am sure it fed some microbes/fungi to the soil... so I like to think anyway!!

the shit in the tent is getting frosty (oh so frosty!!) and smelly!! the one in the middle of the tent is gonna grow into a monster under the 336x3!! She is spreading and wants to take over each corner of the tent to herself... the other sativas in the tent are holding their ground but the indicas are getting bullied big time... In this setup, its obvious each plant has the genetic to do much better but going with such a crowded canopy 12/12 from seed will give the best yield for the space, not per plant!

2 chemos and 1 berry bomb are the indicas

while the sativas are one of those: Eldorado; Red Dragon; Lemon Skunk; Super Lemon Haze; White Castle; Blackberry 1 seed didnt make it so 5 sativas
So bat guano is mostly immediately available so all nitrogen cyclers (in this case nitrifying bacteria) are doing it turning it into more available water soluble forms of nitrogen: ammonia > nitrites > nitrates.

With most everything else in the tea the NPK is tied up attached to carbon and not soluble - it will never get to your plants. However with a long enough brew your decomposing bacteria level will grow high enough eat up some of the carbon to release more of your amendments NPK. And of course you want to wait for this population to increase because they are good for the soil as well further releasing tied up nutrients. This is specifically the process of mineralization (in regard to soil biology - the word is used in many fields differently).
How do you like the super lemon haze so far? I just came up on some of those seeds.

I failed the first time growing it... I had to reveg it to get something and it was fantastik... I love lemon in my buds. we`ll see how I do with it this time around
In the tent I dont know which one is which plus one of those 6 sativas didnt make it. I do have one SLH in the room for sure as well, but 2 plants in the container :wall:
thanks for the recipe hyroot!

enduroxx what size containers do you use? you have massive buds for 12/12 from seed. i just started my first 12/12 form seed that is about 3 weeks old.
the bigger the container the bigger the yield. I am learning/experimenting... My best plants 12/12 from seed were grown in 10 gallons container in supersoil (most grower would think its silly to use such big container 12/12 from seed but I beg to differ)...currently trying 7 gallons smart pot and see if I get similar results.

That is why in my room I have baby plants in big containers, I believe its all about root structure, if you allow the root to grow free early on, you will get much better root structure, able to grow big flowers.

One thing to take in consideration, if you fill your room with big containers, you will have to deal with higher humidity depending on your set up, I dont exhaust outside so I must run a dehumidifier in my basement or else I will get mold. You will see in my next update, its crowded with big containers in my room now coze I am waiting to harvest a few more plants, it would be more convenient to keep em in small container until they start flowering or until I got enough room for them but in my beliefs, I would be missing the boat. As soon as I can transplant, I do so. Its easier to do with fem seed (only because you dont risk usin so much space for plants that turns out to be male)but I am now experimenting with planting 2-3 reg seed in the pot and remove the males as they show sex... one downside is I get containers with 2 plants but will see how they do.
damn those are huge containers!! i plan on using 6'x6'x7' pots haha mine are midgets compared to yours. when i get alot more space i will try the bigger pots for 12/12 from seed. i can only have smaller pots since my growing space in confined... i got some things to start a compost tea. im gonna go with hyroots for now since its more simple and has cheaper ingredients. i will be adding something as i go along if i feel i need them. has anyone used or herd of bountea? it was founded by the guy with the biggest vegetables in the world. i was introduced to this line at the my local store and it seems to do very good for veggies atleast