Fert burn..? Need some help...

Hello RIU,
I need some help here, I am lil worried about my babies, they are a month old into veg. I transplanted them into 5 gallon pots using FFOF soil. PH is around 6.4 No Nutes. No ferts added, just used the FFOF soil.
On 18/6 Light cycle and watering with purified water

Plants looked good and healthy before transplant. A week after the transplant, they still look like normal plants, but they really slowed down on growing. Their growing really slow now...

My question is should I FLUSH out the ferts in the FFOF soil?

Sorry no pics at moment.. The lights are off right now


Active Member
Pics would be good, From your decription id say that there just settling into the new pots mate, Did you give them any superthrive when you transplanted them ?
Ya but its been about one week and no signs of normal growth...

Does anybody know, if I should flush out the ferts thats in the FFOF?


Active Member
Ya but its been about one week and no signs of normal growth...

Does anybody know, if I should flush out the ferts thats in the FFOC?
Your saying your plant hasnt shown any sign of growth, Your not saying your plant is burnt due to nutes are you ? So why would you flush out the nutes ? You make no sense mate
When you repot them they get stressed, A wk is along time i must admit, But then on the other hand if they wasnt healthy they would be dead after a wk.


Well-Known Member
ok.. since you can't take pics.. let me try and help blind.
4 weeks is when I usually suggest starting nutes personally... BUT did you nute them at 1/4 strength to start or jump into full veg schedule?
You don't mention leaf damage either.. so I doubt that's a concern.

i grow dwc now.. never grew in soil.. started in hydro, but, from what I understand transplant does stress your plant.. and stress can cause a plant to stall growth... so chances are you are cool on the nute situation, and going through normal period of adjustment...

If others want to back me up then cool.


New Member
If you gave water shortly after transplanting you didn´t give them time to settle, always transplant in humid soil, then let dry out.... And keep dark (shade) the first 24hrs. This to stimulate root growth, and not leaf growth.

Personally I think you have some kind of a blockage, or even more probable a very big humid cold cot, and if it freezes it wont grow. A small pot heats fast, a big is almost impossible if standing on a cold surface.

Just thoughts, surely not even near the problem, but best of luck.....
Sorry, I will post up pics in a few hrs(4hours). Ya no damages to the leaves. Temp is good around 78.
I think the ferts in the FFOF soil fu***ED up my babies, since they are only a month old (and FFOF contains lots of ingredients in there soil). I really want to fix them up and get them growing right. Im trying to figure out If I can Flush out some of the dry ferts around the roots, would that help...?.


Well-Known Member
you CAN flush.. it won't hurt them.. as long as fox farms doesn't put time release nutes in their soil.. again, I've only grown in hydro... so I don't know anything about their soil or what's in it to say.
There's a ton of info on flushing your plants properly in the FAQ's... I don't know the amount of water that's recommended.. sorry, in DWC they are in water all the time, so if I need to flush, I just change the res.. someone should be able to chime in to help on that part.
I see... Well I am confused at this point.. I have been researching and reading on Flushing MJ. I haven't found anything about anybody flushing dry ferts/nutes in there soil. The few threads I been reading, I only found that people added too much liquid ferts/nutes and that's the reason why they did a Flush.
ughhh...Again I still wonder if flushing these babies will help. Think about it, If I flush them completely I will drain out a lot of nutes/ferts from the soil but the downfall to this is every time I water the soil, it adds nutes/ferts... so wtf this doesn't make any sense to try to Flush dry ferts/nutes that is already in the soil mix



Well-Known Member
what's confusing? You flush with water, I don't understand what you mean about people flushing with dry nutes..

Your worry is there is nute burn.. yet, you say there's no yellowing.. IT"S NOT NUTE BURN... you don't have to flush.. but you can, if it makes you sleep better at night because at 4 weeks old you should be starting to give them nutes anyway...
Hope that helps
When I say "Dry" I mean I don't add anything to the plants when I water feed em. I simply use water, only water nothing else is added to FFOF. I am talking about the dry nutes/ferts already in the soil from the FFOF company that added the ferts/nuts in their soil mix.

Now what I am trying to say is I don't think I need to flush, because when I do add water(when flushing) I am feeding the plants from the dry ferts and nuts that is already in the soil. So there no point of flushing when your only using dry ferts/nutes in soil mix?
Sorry if you are still confused, but I think I summed it up nicely. Does that make any sense to you now?
Pics will be up soon.


Well-Known Member
go re-read my first post where I said it's not nute burn.. it's a transplant issue. your plants are old enough to handle you adding nutes, and the fact you have no leaf burn means it's no problem.. you were going on about flushing your plant.. most noobies want to do what they want to do.. I said in another post -even in capital letters you "CAN flush" that implies you don't have to do it, but you could if it made you sleep better at night. I have no problem understanding you... maybe let me try it this way and you'll get it.

It's not a fucking nute issue.. so flushing isn't going to hurt it, but you don't have to ..
It's a transplant issue and it's normal.
If you read my first post it says the same thing.. so I guess this will be my last attempt at trying to explain it to you to help. If you don't get it.. you should likely stick to buying your weed.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
In the process of training
That close up pic is of the smallest plant at 27days old. Look at those bottom leaves developing slowly..
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they look fine to me..... some strains veg slower than others your trippin out over nothing .... all i use is ocean forest .. that soil will never hurt your plants .. if u add chemical fertilizers.. then yea it will hurt them ... again they look fine to me