Fert issue?


Active Member
That last pic was a mistake, she's doing fine. The others are of a kerala x skunk that was a freebie. Soil is 50/50 ffof and some nursery soil. I mixed some bone meal/blood meal/worm castings/dolomite lime in with it. I have used a little fox farm grow big on her too, but at 50 percent recommended dose. I have her and 3 others out, and she's the only one that looks like this. One other is having some yellowing bottom fan leaves but nothing like this. Any help would be amazing =)

Mr. Anomaly

Active Member
More than likely the blood meal you added was too "hot" for your rhizoshphere and in-turn has caused superficial nutrient burn. I would recommend going easy on nutes especially ones containing high amount of nitrogen (N) for the next few days.


Active Member
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too. Thanks for the feed back. I really went light on the meal though and mixed it in with the soil really well. I'll just stick to giving her water for the next week or so until she starts looking better. Thanks again.


Active Member
So did debt consolidation spam bot hack an account on this site cause they think all mjj smokers have dept problems?????