Fertilizer Feeding - granules - How Much???


Active Member
Hello everyone,

I'm brand new to this and got my first clone a few days ago. I'm not totally sure whether she's in seedling or veg yet, but I'm leaning toward veg since she's got like steps of branches and full leaves. Based on my research, I got 3 different fertilizers, one for each stage.

16-16-16 for seedling (Probably didn't even need this, I'm pretty sure I was considering early veg as seedling)
30-10-10 for veg
3-12-6 for budding

Here's my issue: They're granules and not specifically marketed for growing marijuana, so they're not telling me how much to use (one is lawn fertilizer for instance). Do I dissolve the granules in water?

I've ordered PH strips and a TDS tester since I think I might need those, unsure if they're involved in fertilizing though.

Any help with this is greatly appreciated, thank you!


Active Member
Bought a gallon of Cal Mag. I think I've actually solved most of my issues myself and can't find where to delete this thread... sorry for the spam.


Well-Known Member
and granules are time released and tend to burn plants. Your better off getting miracle grow.


Active Member
i got the floragrow liquid 3 pack, ill let it grow another week and start fertilizing with half the suggested dose.