fertilizer question


Well-Known Member
at 14 days into veg im going to repot my babies into Fox Farm Ocean Soil and 3 gallon pots ( they are currently in 16 oz cups with a fertelizer-free soil less grow medium).

AFter I repot them, will the nutes in the ocean soil be enough or should i start slowly incorperating th eother fox farm line at 1/4 strength

or should i scrap the Ocean Soil idea and just stick to the soil less mixture and begin using my fox farm Grow Big, Big Bloom etc.??

thanks in advance for any help


Well-Known Member
Simply put, is it a bad idea to use Fox Farm Ocean Soil PLUS water with nutes such a Grow Big and Big Bloom?

should i pick either FFOS only use or a soil less medium and water with nutes?



Well-Known Member
Once you trans you cannot feed nutes for at least 2 weeks and this is still pushing it. ffof is already high in organic nutes and should feed for a minimum of 4 weeks. If I were you I would transplant and then veg for another 3 weeks then flower....

Start feeding nutes during the first week of flowering at 1/4 the strength.. Good luck man...


Well-Known Member
Once you trans you cannot feed nutes for at least 2 weeks and this is still pushing it. ffof is already high in organic nutes and should feed for a minimum of 4 weeks. If I were you I would transplant and then veg for another 3 weeks then flower....

Start feeding nutes during the first week of flowering at 1/4 the strength.. Good luck man...
sounds dope man, i think thats the route i will take. much obliged for the help

one question though. if i can only veg for maximum 34 days, does that mean i should transplant on week two from seed even if they arent that big? thanks again


Well-Known Member
depending on what you have them in. You will want to trans 2 weeks before flowering, so your plants go into 12/12 unstressed.


Well-Known Member
ive got them in 16 oz cups right now, they are 4 days old. they will go into 3 gallon pots next.

sounds like this so far: at day 14 of veg i will transplant into 3 gallon pots filled with the fox farm ocean forest, let them veg for another 19 +/- days, switch it to 12/12 and and start a watering with nutes half way through week one of flowering.

sound ok?? thanks bro for the help again


Well-Known Member
Why are you rushing your grow so much?
It sounds like a plan you have, but they are pretty much minimum times
you are talking about, and each strain is different.


Well-Known Member
Why are you rushing your grow so much?
It sounds like a plan you have, but they are pretty much minimum times
you are talking about, and each strain is different.
my girl is moving in and the legal issues associated with growing where i am are a an issue, so yes time is a concern

i wasn't aware 5 weeks vegging was minimum for an indoor setup. i had understood that as normal time assuming all goes well, no? im a noob and open to any enlightenment.

what do you think about the soil plan above? thanks

M Blaze

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
so stay with a soil less grow medium (seed starter) and water with fox farm nutes.

or transplant to Fox Farm Ocean Soil and use nutes also, just less of them and wait longer till the first application

what sounds better?


Well-Known Member
so stay with a soil less grow medium (seed starter) and water with fox farm nutes.

or transplant to Fox Farm Ocean Soil and use nutes also, just less of them and wait longer till the first application

what sounds better?
I personally would seed my seeds in distilled water for 24 hours then once they crack throw them some fox farm happy frog for the seedling stage (16 ounce cups) then I would transfer them into bigger pots with fox farm ocean forest. I would not begin applying nutes until about 3 weeks into there final transplant. I also would feed a 20-20-20 nute for veg and then switch to something more high in the P.... Just my personal opinion......


Well-Known Member
my girl is moving in and the legal issues associated with growing where i am are a an issue, so yes time is a concern

i wasn't aware 5 weeks vegging was minimum for an indoor setup. i had understood that as normal time assuming all goes well, no? im a noob and open to any enlightenment.

what do you think about the soil plan above? thanks
Fair enough, I understand.
It's best to add some perlite to your potting mix, also worm castings.
50% Potting mix
30% Perlite (provides good drainage)
20% Worm Castings. (lots of goodies here)
No nutes until 3 weeks old then start at 1/4 strength
You'll probably need to transplant from 16oz cups to 3 gallon pots at around 3 weeks.:weed: