

Well-Known Member
hi i growing for the first time outdoors and i was wondering if fertilizing is really necessary. if u planted a plant and fertilized it how much yield would u get. if u could start that same plant from scratch and plant it and not fertilize it, about how much yield would u get


Well-Known Member
If you want good bud then yeah fert in necessary. Just use fert man, better results are promised. But as for your yeild question, that all depends on how good you are at growing and the conditions of your plant. But for a first plant exspect about 3 ounces outside.


Active Member
Yeah pick up some good nutes and some watering buckets and feed the ladies. If done right in the right location you can be yielding over 1 pound per plant.


Well-Known Member
ok......i'll take your suggetion. what kind of fertilizer should i use...like the brand name soo i'll no what to look for in the store. and how do i fertilize. fertilizing is a completely new area for me.


Well-Known Member
Go to HTGSupply.com/ They got everything you need. And as far as fertilizing i think there are easy instructions on the back.


Well-Known Member
thanks....but i dont want to buy fertilizer online so what kind should i look for in stores....for outdoor plants(if that makes a difference).


Active Member
If you want good bud then yeah fert in necessary. Just use fert man, better results are promised. But as for your yeild question, that all depends on how good you are at growing and the conditions of your plant. But for a first plant exspect about 3 ounces outside.
Ill take you for example, you said 3 ounces outside, so im growing with inside the house how much yeild for inside, and what if i was to switch the pots from insdie to outside, then how much yeild


Well-Known Member
Ok, there will be 3 numbers on the front of every fert. You will need two kinds. One for grow and for budding. During grow those three numbers should be like 15-5-5 and budding should be around 10-25-25. Just something along those lines, see i dont know what you are looking at so its hard to tell.


Well-Known Member
The reason i said 3 ounces is because this is your first grow, and newbs dont usually do awsome on their first grow. So for this reason i gave you a low quote, this way you dont get your hopes up. But with some strains it is possible to yeild 3 lbs outside if you are a good grower. It is all about how much homework you do before you start. If you have a good arsinal of knowledge, recourses, and patience then you can have a very good first crop. But most dont though, you could be different if you go into this thing strong knowing what you are doing.

Ok, now, are you willing to learn how to use fert, check your plants atleast 4 times a week, water them, and take care of all the extra responsiblity to your best capability?

Ill take you for example, you said 3 ounces outside, so im growing with inside the house how much yeild for inside, and what if i was to switch the pots from insdie to outside, then how much yeild


Well-Known Member
i read somewhere that you only need to fertilize every 3 or 4 weeks or so, maybe that was indoor growing. but if it is true than would it be all right to just do it once a week, like how much would it effect my yield?


Well-Known Member
I dont know about once every 3 or 4 weeks. Where you see this?
But yeah, once a week will be better fo your plant than none.
But water will pose a great threat to your grow if you can only go out once a week. Your plants will alwase be very thirsty.


Well-Known Member
someone on this site told me that, but you seem to know what your talking about so i'll trust you........by the way, wtf is that other guy talkin about with the getting the female seeds at nirvana?


Well-Known Member
IDK, but i dont recomend fem seeds from anywhere. They are ok but too much $$$ for the odds of getting hermies. I think of fem seeds as transvestites because they are more likely to be hermies. Which share both male and female traits. And you dont want em.

But i once had a friend who grew outdoors and was limited with time to check on his plants, so what he did was take one 5 gallon bucket for every plant and drill a tiny whole in the bottom. I mean a pencil couldnt get through it. And then fill it with water, and this device leaked water on the plant while he wasnt there. I cant remember how long it takes for one to drain and how well it works but i think you can get a 5 gallon bucket and expeirament with that. Just an idea, hope it helps.


Well-Known Member
about the fertilizing thing again......you already told me the numbers to look for in fertilizing but what brand should get, like whats it called so i'll know what to look for at the store. also does it come with instructions on how to do it on the back or something


Well-Known Member
about the fertilizing thing again......you already told me the numbers to look for in fertilizing but what brand should get, like whats it called so i'll know what to look for at the store. also does it come with instructions on how to do it on the back or something
Try and find a brand called FOXFarm, but i doubt you will find it. But the best way to feed fert is to get a ppm meter so you know the exact power of your steroids for your plants. Just dillute in water till you know its strong enough, or if its too strong then add more water.


Well-Known Member
the ppm meter will tell you, if you get one. But it should say how much to mix in how much water to acheive this much fert for this plant.


Well-Known Member
:wink:aight......thanks soo much man. if i put up any more threads please look for mine and help me out because you know what your talkin about and you quick to answere.....thanks again