Few days into flowering...are these males?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply, nonetheless. You say "1/4th strength". What exactly does that mean? I guess I mean how many teaspoons/tablespoons per gallon or quart or what have you.

one quarter the strength of the recommended dosage is the best way to do it, it eases the plant into being able to handle nutrients, so if the regular dosage is 1 tablespoon per gallon, 25% of that would be sufficient to start out with, i myself just finished the 1/2 strength marker and on full strength. but yea, whatever the recommended dose on your box or bottle says, use 25% of that amount, doesnt have to be perfect but close, dont get confident and be like "oh my plant can handle it" then you will come back to a shriveled up nute burned plant on life support with you desperately trying to flush it if you try to save it, at that point most will say just pull the fucking plug and start over lol. gotta be careful, specially with chemical nutes!


Well-Known Member
also i wanted to add, that fucking SUCKS having 5 males out of 7 thats just damn bad luck, but i feel your pain, i had 3 plants, one died, 2 lived, my strongest and most promising plant that i could have got a niiiice yeild from, grew balls. i wasnt as pissed as i would have been but i already knew the other was a female from preflowers so i just accepted his demise and threw him out yesterday, good riddance. just as long as u get one female and treat her like a fucking queen you will get nice yeild and if you leave the lower buds alone after harvest you should be able to regenerate her and keep her under 24/0 daylight bulbs and have her keep vegging until she gets big enough and keep her as a mother plant to clone from, thats what i plan on doing :-P


Active Member
1/4 strength of whatever the directions say on package. if it says 1 tbs. per gallon, then use 1 tbs per 4 gallons......