Few Q's On Flushing


Active Member
So heres sum info, (Im in veg stage 5weeks old 18/6, soil,using cfls) My plant is fairly nute burned and is in need of a flush, ive recently transplannted it into a huge pot about 3 times the size of the 1 it came from b4 i transplanted it, it got a nute feeding then i had the mishap of sum of the roots breaking off that was jus over 2days ago now and its been growing so its still alive,

My questions are

1, should i wait a lil longer for a flushing?

2, If i do flush how much water should i use 3x the amout of the old pot or 3x the amout of the new pot (rele big)

3, Never flushed b4 and dnt want my plant to die any other tips/advice


Well-Known Member
Just keep watering it till you think its enough then triple it. A plant won't die from over watering unless the roots don't get sufficient air for 48 hours.


Well-Known Member
Do you think i should flush now even though it was only 2 days ago i gave it nute feed?
If your plant has nute burn than yes, you should be flushing right now to be honest.

Nute burn is a result of a build up in your soil or roots keeping the plant from doing anything but dying. You want to flush all of that out and start from scratch on the nutes.



Well-Known Member
If you over-fertilized it, it is always better to flush out all the fertilizer. The plant will survive on plain ph'ed water for a while. Just flush it and do not give it any more nutes until the soil dries right out again. Using 3 x, the amount of water is just an estimate. You want to run water through the pot until all the soil is soaked and rinsed of any chemicals.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
A regular flushing is always a good idea. I actually flood my plants about once a week. By flooding I mean that I give them a constant flow of pure water for about 3-5 minutes for each pot which flushes out any buildup in the medium. I probably should mention that I grow in coco.


Active Member
Cheers guys i jus finished the flushing i didnt give it 3x the amount of pot size but it was about 1 thats because there was like a huge build up and it took agges to sink down i mean agges i ad to get my hands dirty and poke holes to try get it to sink in pour some more wait pour wait ect ect, but eventually it did sink through and is slowly slowly coming through the bottom, ive disscoverd that my 2nd set of soil is poor drainage too im gonna have to take note of this and on my next grow try and over come this problem, what i might do when all soil is dryed up again repeat this process,


Well-Known Member
Any help here would be sweet...I have 5 plants....I was always slow...in flower and bud. I am in week 5 right now of flower and have never flushed. I pulled the plant that wouldn't grow to make room for other plants. Anyway

I tested the runoff of the plant that wasn't growing and the ph was around 5 when i was using 7 ph water. I am only guessing since today is a watering day, but i suspect my other soil may be very low also...I haven't seen signs of low ph ? There may be a chance i didn't add enough lime to the soil? I won't know for sure till tonight.

I have been using a low PPM veg tea through flowering made from mollasess, worm castings, high P bat guano, and super plant tonic. If the ph in my other plants is as low as this does anyone have an opinion on flushing then refeeding and adding more lime,...the buds don't seam to be growing as fast as they were and since im on my first grow..I'm not sure...any good links on the issue would be appreciated...slippery