few questions about flowering


Well-Known Member
okay first of all i know your ment to have low humidity for flowering.....is that cos the bud might go moldy?if i have a fan on them directly it should be fine yeah even if it still is 60% humid ? or is it just to benifit the plant being low humidity whilst budding? im 3 weeks in flower and hav been using veg nutes and they are looking good still , do u think i can get away with flowering on veg nutes ?and also do u think i could get away with flowering on 6500k ?


Active Member
im kinda new so i cant say that all of what i say is correct but from what i have learned i will try to answer some of your questions.

first of high humidity is always a good breeding place for mold. period. now from what i understand is if you have fans on it will lessen your chances of getting moldy buds but the fact of the matter is your still pushing around air with alot of moisture in it. that being said i dont believe 60% is to bad , however if it was to go up from there i would start to think about a de humidifier. i got one on craigslist for 60$ (ofcourse after watching for one for about a month). the down side to a de humidifier is the way it works it has to produce heat , and alot of it.

as far as your nutes in flowering , your plants are going to look good regardless if your giving them nutes , its just are they going to be hitting there full potential. really your only cheating yourself of your quality bud by using nutes that were not designed for flowering. idk if you use soil or hydro but i have been using house and garden brand flowering nutes , because they were recommended to me by my local hydro shop. it seems this brand has a easy to fallow chart on how to feed your plants based on how long you have them in what stages , also i like how it explains all its products for different weeks in flowering encase i should deiced to spend some more money and get more bang for my buck. i dont work for this company im just saying (as a first time grower) its easy to fallow for a newer grower.

this chart is to show you the color spectrum's of the cfls your talking about. i dont think i need to go into this much except for the fact that BLUE will make a plant stretch and leave the nodes longer apart. red however will cause the plant to bush up. so ideally you would want a mixture of both. again i dont think this is rocket science so i will leave it alone for you to deiced whats best....

and yes you can take clones from flowering plants but they will take longer to clone because in effect , the plants [went and got super high] will still be in flowering state and have to reverse back into veg. (at least from what i have read)

im not trying to hate on you man but you need to do some more reading if your serious about growing quality buds. i mean i haven't even finished my first grow (and it looks like your farther into flowering than me) and i have read all about the questions you asked many times. good luck man and remember knowing is half the battle !



Well-Known Member
god damnit, server fucked up when i hit reply and it lost my post on me by taking me to an error page, i typed out like 2 big paragraphs about all this stuff, now i gotta type it again so its gonna be a lil shorter in case it does it again.........no, you cannot get away with veg nutes the whole grow, plants need different nutrients and nute level in veg and flower. yes, you could use a 6500k all the way through, but i HIGHLY discourage it. got any pics?.....keeps telling me my message is too short and needs to be 10 characters.grrrr, at least i copied it this time, lol


Well-Known Member
well there as high as i want them so i might aswell go all out on the 2700k's. i just droped my light and snapped 1 of my plants main stems QQ . im growing in an aerogarden+small closet. so i need to get a dehumidfyer only problem is that heat is gonna fuck up my temps in that small closet. ill post pics soon