Few questions about size to flower and LST (pics)


Well-Known Member
so i am currently doing a LST grow. but what i am wondering is when to flower. how tall are your plants when you flower them. you see i noticed when they get all the way around the pots rim they will be equivalent to being about 2.5 feet tall and i know they will prolly double when i flower. i just don't want to run out of room and i want a good yield. 2.5 feet seems like a nice flower size but i just don't know.... including a few pics of the biggest so far plant and the whole grow space. please help me out no one is ever in my journal so i can't ask them.



Active Member
Yea, 2.5 feet is more than what we flowered at (but GOD they were big and bushy, comes from tying them down so freaking much, I guess) and we're looking at a super big plant right now... You'll definately get some fun off a 2.5 foot plant.


Well-Known Member
so you think once it has completed its run around the rim jump straight to flower. i was also thinking before flower to go ahead and top or fim the plat just so when it starts to grow upward that just adds to even more buds...right haha. feel free to check my journal i like to update but been talking to myself as of late figured i'd post here and get a question answered.

oh yeah and how you think that plant is looking?


Active Member
Lol, or not really, about the talking to yourself. I'd top it early and put one shoot in the middle (and curve it a little if you need extra time) and finish the circle with the other. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
well i am not trying to buy time i want to start flower when it is a good time. i want a good yield and i'm just trying to see how big most people flower. i mean looking at my space does it sound good to just let them finish around the pot and jump straight to flower? and does she look healthy to you?


Well-Known Member

so uhh yeah how tall are your plants when you put them into flower. still looking to hear when you guys do it and get good yields.


Well-Known Member
so there is just the one person on this forum who flowers....hmmm that is odd. come on how tall people all i need is a number just click reply and type the size and hit submit post you don't even have to talk if you don't want to. i don't know why people don't love me.