Few Questions About Starting Seeds


Active Member
I have a few questions about starting seeds. I have ordered 10 and due to the price I want to make sure I am as effective as possible with them. I've started a few with some bag seed and I'm thinking the same principle will apply, but I want to verify that I am truly doing this the right way.

  1. When I start my seeds I've been using the damp paper towel method. My other seeds cracked and I got some decent tap roots, but I want to insure this is correct. Currently, I have my seeds covered in a damp paper towel then I placed them in a kitchen drawer to keep the light out.
  2. Once I had a decent tap root (about 1/16") I planted them root down in soil about a 1/4" below the surface. I had several take, but not all. Then again I'm using bag seed and I've heard many people say that's not really the way to go.

    With my purchased seeds I intend to do it differently. I have 1.5 in. Groban Rockwool cubes that I intend to start my seeds in after the tap root is about 1/16". I've never used the cubes so I want to make sure I'm doing this the right way. I've been told to soak the cubes in PH 5.5 balanced water for at least 30 minutes. I've heard some say 24 hours. This I'm not clear on. Any clarification would be most appreciated.

    Next, I plan on placing them in a humidity container. Something with a clear dome. Now currently I have two lights 1 400w HPS and 1 400w MH. Should I place the container under direct light or are these kept in the dark like the seeds were orginally?

    Also, how often should I water the cubes or is misting them with a sprayer sufficient?
Once they get going I plan on moving them to a bubbleponic system. May have more questions at that time.


Well-Known Member
Your seed germ is right just make sure its warm, rockwool should be 24hrs in ph balanced water, then strung out dont crush it cause then you kill the air that helps, so just squeeze a little on both sides, aka let excess water drain out, then pick up cubes to see if they are heavy if not then water um, if they have some weight to them then hold off on the water, whole thing is to hold water, just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Flush each cube under the faucet for a few minutes, then soak them in the 5.5 solution for a several hours. Take them out of the solution an shake out the excess water. Now you can plant your sprouts. The problem with rockwool is it retains a high ph if it's not flushed out properly.

The humidome isn't really necessary. I have done it with and without. You just don't want to over water the cubes. Let them search for the water. You'll get better root structure.

As soon as you have the sprouts in the rockwool, you can stick them under the lights. I dont think I would put them under the mh untill they get a little bit established. Try a small cfl or florecent.


Active Member
Alright, thanks for the help. One more question about lighting. Like I said I currently have two lights 400w HPS and 400w MH. It sounds like I need to introduce a flouro to the mix. I have some standard flourescent 4' hanging lamps at my house presently. However, I imagine I probably need something different I've heard several people talk about T5's. Will those bulbs work in a standar 120v flourscent lamp from Home Depot or do I need something else?

Also, I have a pretty good grasp on what area my 400w's will cover but I'm unsure on flouros. Does anyone have a good rule of thumb? What kind of area can I cover with a 4' and what can I cover with a 2'? Also, are the flouros sufficient to keep my mother plants alive and kicking?

I have a shop close by that carries New Wave and Sun Blaze lamps but those are a little pricey and don't include the bulbs.


Well-Known Member
The standard flouros will work fine for your seedlings. no need to go out and buy new tubes. keep the light about 1" to 3" above the tops. you just need to keep them there for about 3 weeks or so. or untill they have some decent vegitation on them. Then stick them under the mh for the veg stage. Once you have the size of plants that you want to bud, stick them under the hps. Just remember they will at least double in size once you do.