Few questions for newbie building first grow tent set up


Active Member
Happy new year all.

I didnt know whether to post this in here or another section. I have a few questions for the more experienced, which Ive already searched the threads and didnt see, but might of overlooked as well; and nothing really on google for my questions.

Before I start, I have a grow tent I just set up that is 2'x4'x5' high to give dimensions. It suits my needs to keep it small for space and also a nice small grow being on disability making it easier to manage.

#1. I'm looking to set up an exhaust/carbon scrubber in my tent for the next venture, using the 6" opening on the side and suspend the system up in the celling inside the tent. I'm to understand that the cfm is important to calculate. LxWxH which would give me 40. I read that efficient path multiply by 2 which would give me 80, being Im just going to run the filter, then fan, then duct to blow outside of my tent, I believe this is passive intake.

{ inside tent (filter > fan > duct >) outside tent }

I guess thats what is meant by efficient path, and just vent into my normal room downstairs. Im not so much worried about heat as I plan on starting with a basic led grow light, and the ambient temp of the actual downstairs stays approx. at 68-70 deg year long, and keeps a good humidity level at all times.

I read that with the size of my tent the cfm of the fan should be around 80-120 cfm. I found a fan I think is good but is rated at 315 cfm. Would this actually be overkill and do more harm then good? I dont want such a negative pressure that the tent sucks inward to the point it would somehow harm my plant when I get ready to grow "starting with one plant, but planning on two in future"...

#2. As filters go, I hear alot of good reviews about a brand "Phresh". They have both a 6"x16" filter in 400 cfm and a 6"x24" in 550 cfm. Is it ok to have the filter in a much higher cfm then the fan? And if so, would 16" filter do the job or is that a waste of time and should consider the 24"? Reason Im asking about the size is not so much cost factor, but as Im disabled and 16" might make it easier to tend to such as when time to change pre-filter and such.

#3. This is regarding the hydroponics system I chosen. DWC with 5 gallon bucket, Ill most likely in time try different methods just for the experience such as top drip, ebb & flow, even flooming in time as I find this interesting as hell. But for the time being right now I just want to keep it simple as so I can start growing, then later add and expand and try newer thing.

Anyway, the question is, Im looking at an air pump. The General Hydroponics Dual Diaphragm air pump.


My way of thinking, which that and .25 cents will get ya a cup of coffee, is to use two of the outputs for one bucket and shut off the other two outlets until I start growing two plants, then have 2 and 2 per bucket, for two air stones per bucket. Ive been reading that you cant really oxygenate your water for hydroponics enough. Whether thats true or not, I dont know, which is why Im asking the seasoned pros here for any and all advise.

Im to understand these type of air pumps can get a little hot, basically the body is one big heat sink the way the look, so I plan on getting a small wooden footstool to mount on top, but just under where the pump is mounted, cut a hole as to have one of those 5" or so square fans much like used on machine tools "lathes, mills" to keep the electoral cool, and mount underneath to constantly blow up under the air pump to keep the air pump cool the same way. Plus helps keep electrical off the ground.

But is it ok for a pump like this to dedicate 2 lines per bucket?

#4. And last question please, But as air stones go, Ive been reading where alot who use DWC systems like a brand called BubbleMac. The barbs are for 3/16" I.D. hose, which match the air pump. Amazon has listed that the outtakes on the air pump is 1/4" but further research I found that they are meant to fit 3/16" I.D. hoses, so that would all match. But does anyone have any experience with BubbleMac? And if so, I didnt know which size. I see a bigger one that is 1.5"x1.5"x6 inch, run two per bucket and really air the water, or a smaller size? Although I read you cant have to much oxygen in your water, but then again, Im still learning and dont want to overkill anything which would cause harm to any plants either.

Thanks to anyone who takes time to read this and reply, Although I find MJ as the only pain relief for my work injury being I cant touch dr prescribed pain meds because they just flat out make me sick, I find the whole idea of growing to be fascinating and a very enjoyable, relaxing hobby as well as rewarding. Almost as enjoyable as lighting up a bowl while listening to some old Rolling Stones with my father and puppy.

A couple of observations.
I spec'd a high-flow 6-inch fan for my 4x4 tent. I found myself dialing it back using a Variac.

I am a big fan of Phresh filters. They work completely and for years.

I suggest that, before you decide on DWC, you consider soilless in coco/perlite 2:1. A friend grows like that, and it is near effortless. Also, drain-to-waste means never wondering if your nutes have changed their balance.

Hope this helps.
Phresh filters rock. You dont want the pellet type filters.

Your filter and fan need to be tuned to each other. Your filtering the air in the tent and also the air in the room the tent is in so choose wisely I say at least the 16 inch one with the 315 cfm fan

why not just grow in dirt a couple of times to get your feet wet. Why make it hard on yourself.
A couple of observations.
I spec'd a high-flow 6-inch fan for my 4x4 tent. I found myself dialing it back using a Variac.

I am a big fan of Phresh filters. They work completely and for years.

I suggest that, before you decide on DWC, you consider soilless in coco/perlite 2:1. A friend grows like that, and it is near effortless. Also, drain-to-waste means never wondering if your nutes have changed their balance.

Hope this helps.
Hey, thanks. In time I do plan on experimenting with other methods of growing, but really geared for DWC, kind of excited starting with this system first. Dunno why. plus got a bucket all prepped waiting for it to be finished :D

Which Variac do you use? Im assuming you run single phase, but they have a few models it appears in 1PH with a few each in 10, 12, 15 and 22 amps. Im just trying to keep it simple for starters right now, if the fan I mentioned in the post is a bit overkill I would just assume look at a fan that would be more compatible then.
Phresh filters rock. You dont want the pellet type filters.

Your filter and fan need to be tuned to each other. Your filtering the air in the tent and also the air in the room the tent is in so choose wisely I say at least the 16 inch one with the 315 cfm fan

why not just grow in dirt a couple of times to get your feet wet. Why make it hard on yourself.
Actually I have grow in dirt in the past, pretty decent results I will admit, but would much rather grow in dirt outdoors then indoors for certain reasons. But outdoors is kind of out of the question being although I live in a pretty nice wooded area, there are some nosy neighbors that feel your business is their business type of thing. I really like the idea of DWC kind of as a step up from growing in dirt, in which I can better control more stuff. Plus, although I am setting up to grow downstairs, which is more like a family room/bed room/bathroom/laundry room, good access to a near by bathroom for changing water "my father and I run a huge filtration system that runs through the entire house"... Its charged with salt tabs but Ive been reading about taking care of salts, chlorine and such. Plus adding the necessary minerals that a filtration system takes out of the water...

By no means Im saying Im any kind of expert growing in soil, its just that I have in the past, and also decent results, but now, just really wanting to be more serious with growing and take it to another level is all. Im a sucker for dong this, learn and try to expand in steps. :/
Hey, thanks. In time I do plan on experimenting with other methods of growing, but really geared for DWC, kind of excited starting with this system first. Dunno why. plus got a bucket all prepped waiting for it to be finished :D

Which Variac do you use? Im assuming you run single phase, but they have a few models it appears in 1PH with a few each in 10, 12, 15 and 22 amps. Im just trying to keep it simple for starters right now, if the fan I mentioned in the post is a bit overkill I would just assume look at a fan that would be more compatible then.
I tried DWC in '12 and it didn't work for me. I had to rescue my kids into soil.
My friend has perfected the drain-to-waste soilless coco grow method, and I am sold. The three huge benefits, in my opinion:

1) Never a worry about the nute mix being right.
2) Individual pots allow one to tend to and reposition each plant.
3) You don't have large volumes of liquid that need secondary containment.

The Variac is a 15-amp model I believe. I had one from a different application. My CanFan has a 3-way level switch, but I got much better control setting that to "high" and using the Variac for stepless control.
Actually I have grow in dirt in the past, pretty decent results I will admit, but would much rather grow in dirt outdoors then indoors for certain reasons. But outdoors is kind of out of the question being although I live in a pretty nice wooded area, there are some nosy neighbors that feel your business is their business type of thing. I really like the idea of DWC kind of as a step up from growing in dirt, in which I can better control more stuff. Plus, although I am setting up to grow downstairs, which is more like a family room/bed room/bathroom/laundry room, good access to a near by bathroom for changing water "my father and I run a huge filtration system that runs through the entire house"... Its charged with salt tabs but Ive been reading about taking care of salts, chlorine and such. Plus adding the necessary minerals that a filtration system takes out of the water...

By no means Im saying Im any kind of expert growing in soil, its just that I have in the past, and also decent results, but now, just really wanting to be more serious with growing and take it to another level is all. Im a sucker for dong this, learn and try to expand in steps. :/

Dont use soft water on your shit. Use tap or r/o and I found that tap sucks for a hydro grow so I say get an r/o system. Better research this.

You need a ph pen, ph drops as a back up and a good ppm meter or your just pissing in the wind. Just wanted to throw that in there.
Actually I have grow in dirt in the past, pretty decent results I will admit, but would much rather grow in dirt outdoors then indoors for certain reasons. But outdoors is kind of out of the question being although I live in a pretty nice wooded area, there are some nosy neighbors that feel your business is their business type of thing. I really like the idea of DWC kind of as a step up from growing in dirt, in which I can better control more stuff. Plus, although I am setting up to grow downstairs, which is more like a family room/bed room/bathroom/laundry room, good access to a near by bathroom for changing water "my father and I run a huge filtration system that runs through the entire house"... Its charged with salt tabs but Ive been reading about taking care of salts, chlorine and such. Plus adding the necessary minerals that a filtration system takes out of the water...

By no means Im saying Im any kind of expert growing in soil, its just that I have in the past, and also decent results, but now, just really wanting to be more serious with growing and take it to another level is all. Im a sucker for dong this, learn and try to expand in steps. :/
Do not use softened water for your grow!!
The sodium and chloride ions will effectively lock out the more valuable nutrients. Cannabis does not like salinity. Can you draw water from your system before it goes through the softener? Otherwise you may wish to invest in a RO water purification system. I used RO when our local water was extra hard. I've since learned to work with my local tap water ... bonus calcium and magnesium after all. But sodium and chloride at levels over say 100ppm will interfere with your plants' nute takeup.
Dont use softened water on your shit. Use tap or r/o and I found that tap sucks for a hydro grow so I say get an r/o system. Better research this.

You need a ph pen, ph drops as a back up and a good ppm meter or your just pissing in the wind. Just wanted to throw that in there.

I modded your post just a little.

Agreed. A pH meter ( recommend the Bluelab pen) and a TDS meter (I use the dirt cheap one form Amazon) are must-have tools for hydro.
I tried DWC in '12 and it didn't work for me. I had to rescue my kids into soil.
My friend has perfected the drain-to-waste soilless coco grow method, and I am sold. The three huge benefits, in my opinion:

1) Never a worry about the nute mix being right.
2) Individual pots allow one to tend to and reposition each plant.
3) You don't have large volumes of liquid that need secondary containment.

The Variac is a 15-amp model I believe. I had one from a different application. My CanFan has a 3-way level switch, but I got much better control setting that to "high" and using the Variac for stepless control.
Im not ruling out I might actually in time decide to go back to dirt as Ive done a few times in the past. But until then, would love to try out new methods of growing, just to experiment and learn, even if its mistakes. Im seriously loving gearing to grow on a more serious level. When I grew in dirt in the past, while results were good, I wasnt really what you might call anything serious in growing, but it worked.
Im not ruling out I might actually in time decide to go back to dirt as Ive done a few times in the past. But until then, would love to try out new methods of growing, just to experiment and learn, even if its mistakes. Im seriously loving gearing to grow on a more serious level. When I grew in dirt in the past, while results were good, I wasnt really what you might call anything serious in growing, but it worked.
My first go at hydro was in an NFT setup. I loved it, and my cultivar (original C99) was very forgiving about the massive nute levels that noob I threw at them.
I had access to lots of salts and I formulated and mixed my own custom nutes. I changed the 50-liter reservoir every week, and I pHed it daily with nitric acid, as my no-ammonium formula would creep up and up in pH as the plants drew ions.

This was even though I tossed in some MES (morpholinoethanesulfonic acid) as a buffer. pKa of 6.15.

It was a cool experience, but i am so very pleased now to have a method that does not tie me down to a large. rigid, unconfigurable setup. I really like soilless. Coco pith is a great medium ... no sphagnum.
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My first go at hydro was in an NFT setup. I loved it, and my cultivar (original C99) was very forgiving about the massive nute levels that noob I threw at them.
I had access to lots of salts and I formulated and mixed my own custom nutes. I changed the 50-liter reservoir every week, and I pHed it daily with nitric acid, as my no-ammonium formula would creep up and up in pH as the plants drew ions.

This was even though I tossed in some MES (morpholinoethanesulfonic acid) as a buffer. pKa of 6.15.

It was a cool experience, but i am so very pleased now to have a method that does not tie me down to a large. rigid, unconfigurable setup. I really like soilless. Coco pith is a great medium ... no sphagnum.
That sounds like like a pretty bad ass setup, but as you said, that type of system looks like it would require a bit more space then I have available, although unlike you, Im not speaking out of experience, I only seen photos of NFT setups, but from the photos Ive seen, while my downstairs is nice a big, it aint that big, hahaha...

Hey, you wouldnt happen to have any old photos of that setup you use to run by chance? Id love to see it!

And also, thanks for your help, while Ive grow a little in soil, and nothing serious at all in the past, now being I got all the time in the world, in pain most the time on disability, I really want to see how far I can push growing. The whole concept is just bad assery...

Even things I know Ill never do, such as later in time, trying to cross breed to make a hybrid... I know its a LOT of work, and I wouldnt want to mess with doing that, its just pretty incredible HOW its done though. Like cloning, and what I read is you cant clone auto flowering, due to autos mother works on a clock instead, so if the mother dies, the clones die... "at least all I have read, but if Im wrong please correct me"... Ive always been a metal shop, machine tool shop worker in factories all my life until my injury, so alot of this that is common basic "ABC" to you and the others here, is actually kind of new to me, and I cant get enough of it. Like a whole new life just opened up for me.

Thanks again for all your help and tossing some ideas with your experience!
Do not use softened water for your grow!!
The sodium and chloride ions will effectively lock out the more valuable nutrients. Cannabis does not like salinity. Can you draw water from your system before it goes through the softener? Otherwise you may wish to invest in a RO water purification system. I used RO when our local water was extra hard. I've since learned to work with my local tap water ... bonus calcium and magnesium after all. But sodium and chloride at levels over say 100ppm will interfere with your plants' nute takeup.
I actually just tossed some bucks down for a bathroom downstairs, one is mainly because instead of a basement, its a pretty kick ass big 3 room man cave, wood walls all insulated, new foundation, new plumbing, new electric, and bathroom. bathroom is also with the beginning plans for eventually growing downstairs in time. Ive actually looked into reverse osmosis at least for downstairs bathroom. Not just for growing, but also to make sure my puppy has the best water to drink as well... I even see where chewy com sells RO systems, but I dont think thats the quality I need for growing, Im not sure. love that little girl puppy of mine... in time, Ill get some photos of my set up. although it wouldnt match anything you and the others run by far, but itll be my first real growing area so to speak, and just kind of proud of it.

Actually in the mean time before an RO system, I was honestly thinking of just buying natural spring water at the store by the gallons. Ironically that wouldnt cause anyone to notice or anything because the water here generally sucks, which was the main reason me and dad put in that water purification tank years ago. Everyones water is pretty bad so at the store here its really not uncommon to see people with shopping carts full of jugs or spring water. So Id kind of blend in buy that much myself.
I have a $200 benchtop RO that has done more than a thousand gallons so far. It's on its second set of prefilter cartridges. The water jug option sounds very expensive to me. A 2x4 space in late flower will drink gallons a day. Not so bad with young plants and vegers ... give you time to work out a water source.

As for your pup, is there anything in the water that is actively bad? If it's simply hard, it'll probably be better for the pup than RO. Dogs need cal-mag too. :joint:
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I have a $200 benchtop RO that has done more than a thousand gallons so far. It's on its second set of prefilter cartridges. The water jug option sounds very expensive to me. A 2x4 space in late flower will drink gallons a day. Not so bad with young plants and vegers ... give you time to work out a water source.

As for your pup, is there anything in the water that is actively bad? If it's simply hard, it'll probably be better for the pup than RO. Dogs need cal-mag too. :joint:
Cannabineer, the only RO systems Ive seen are ones that you install under the sink type of thing. Im checking out benchtop systems right now. Thanks!
One of the best small pumps to use, it's quiet and moves plenty of air. I use one in my dwc with all 4 hoses going to one bucket (2 per bucket works plenty well). If your environment is dialed in you can end up with a root mass like this:
View attachment 4259087

Simple air stones will work just fine as well. https://www.amazon.com/Cylinder-Mic...coding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=555Y7NX3TWXVDK2P1JZM
Thanks NrthrnMichigan! That answers one of my questions. So, is it true when running DWC your plant roots can NOT get to much oxygen? Or, the more oxygen the better?
Cannabineer, the only RO systems Ive seen are ones that you install under the sink type of thing. Im checking out benchtop systems right now. Thanks!

Thanks NrthrnMichigan! That answers one of my questions. So, is it true when running DWC your plant roots can NOT get to much oxygen? Or, the more oxygen the better?
I have not been able to kill'em with too much air....yet. I did notice faster growth going from two stones to four stones with that pump though. We started using no air stones just a weighted hose and with good results.
I jumped all in and did a big 10x10 tent with a 12 site rdwc for my first grow and it went fine.
Do your research and prepare yourself for issues that will come up and its possible.

For my RO I use a hydrologic Stealth 150 and got a collapsible water tank that sits in the corner. Just have the filter outlet on a float valve in the tank so it keeps that tank topped of. Filter system was only around $100.

I have sprayer waterfalls in my sites and they also each have an airstone with ~12 liters per minute of air getting pumped into it.

Here's my second run.
I jumped all in and did a big 10x10 tent with a 12 site rdwc for my first grow and it went fine.
Do your research and prepare yourself for issues that will come up and its possible.

For my RO I use a hydrologic Stealth 150 and got a collapsible water tank that sits in the corner. Just have the filter outlet on a float valve in the tank so it keeps that tank topped of. Filter system was only around $100.

I have sprayer waterfalls in my sites and they also each have an airstone with ~12 liters per minute of air getting pumped into it.

Here's my second run.
I just checked out your rig you built. That is pretty bad assery! Seeing yours makes me feel like the first set up Im building a fischer price kiddie set haha