Active Member
Happy new year all.
I didnt know whether to post this in here or another section. I have a few questions for the more experienced, which Ive already searched the threads and didnt see, but might of overlooked as well; and nothing really on google for my questions.
Before I start, I have a grow tent I just set up that is 2'x4'x5' high to give dimensions. It suits my needs to keep it small for space and also a nice small grow being on disability making it easier to manage.
#1. I'm looking to set up an exhaust/carbon scrubber in my tent for the next venture, using the 6" opening on the side and suspend the system up in the celling inside the tent. I'm to understand that the cfm is important to calculate. LxWxH which would give me 40. I read that efficient path multiply by 2 which would give me 80, being Im just going to run the filter, then fan, then duct to blow outside of my tent, I believe this is passive intake.
{ inside tent (filter > fan > duct >) outside tent }
I guess thats what is meant by efficient path, and just vent into my normal room downstairs. Im not so much worried about heat as I plan on starting with a basic led grow light, and the ambient temp of the actual downstairs stays approx. at 68-70 deg year long, and keeps a good humidity level at all times.
I read that with the size of my tent the cfm of the fan should be around 80-120 cfm. I found a fan I think is good but is rated at 315 cfm. Would this actually be overkill and do more harm then good? I dont want such a negative pressure that the tent sucks inward to the point it would somehow harm my plant when I get ready to grow "starting with one plant, but planning on two in future"...
#2. As filters go, I hear alot of good reviews about a brand "Phresh". They have both a 6"x16" filter in 400 cfm and a 6"x24" in 550 cfm. Is it ok to have the filter in a much higher cfm then the fan? And if so, would 16" filter do the job or is that a waste of time and should consider the 24"? Reason Im asking about the size is not so much cost factor, but as Im disabled and 16" might make it easier to tend to such as when time to change pre-filter and such.
#3. This is regarding the hydroponics system I chosen. DWC with 5 gallon bucket, Ill most likely in time try different methods just for the experience such as top drip, ebb & flow, even flooming in time as I find this interesting as hell. But for the time being right now I just want to keep it simple as so I can start growing, then later add and expand and try newer thing.
Anyway, the question is, Im looking at an air pump. The General Hydroponics Dual Diaphragm air pump.
My way of thinking, which that and .25 cents will get ya a cup of coffee, is to use two of the outputs for one bucket and shut off the other two outlets until I start growing two plants, then have 2 and 2 per bucket, for two air stones per bucket. Ive been reading that you cant really oxygenate your water for hydroponics enough. Whether thats true or not, I dont know, which is why Im asking the seasoned pros here for any and all advise.
Im to understand these type of air pumps can get a little hot, basically the body is one big heat sink the way the look, so I plan on getting a small wooden footstool to mount on top, but just under where the pump is mounted, cut a hole as to have one of those 5" or so square fans much like used on machine tools "lathes, mills" to keep the electoral cool, and mount underneath to constantly blow up under the air pump to keep the air pump cool the same way. Plus helps keep electrical off the ground.
But is it ok for a pump like this to dedicate 2 lines per bucket?
#4. And last question please, But as air stones go, Ive been reading where alot who use DWC systems like a brand called BubbleMac. The barbs are for 3/16" I.D. hose, which match the air pump. Amazon has listed that the outtakes on the air pump is 1/4" but further research I found that they are meant to fit 3/16" I.D. hoses, so that would all match. But does anyone have any experience with BubbleMac? And if so, I didnt know which size. I see a bigger one that is 1.5"x1.5"x6 inch, run two per bucket and really air the water, or a smaller size? Although I read you cant have to much oxygen in your water, but then again, Im still learning and dont want to overkill anything which would cause harm to any plants either.
Thanks to anyone who takes time to read this and reply, Although I find MJ as the only pain relief for my work injury being I cant touch dr prescribed pain meds because they just flat out make me sick, I find the whole idea of growing to be fascinating and a very enjoyable, relaxing hobby as well as rewarding. Almost as enjoyable as lighting up a bowl while listening to some old Rolling Stones with my father and puppy.

I didnt know whether to post this in here or another section. I have a few questions for the more experienced, which Ive already searched the threads and didnt see, but might of overlooked as well; and nothing really on google for my questions.
Before I start, I have a grow tent I just set up that is 2'x4'x5' high to give dimensions. It suits my needs to keep it small for space and also a nice small grow being on disability making it easier to manage.
#1. I'm looking to set up an exhaust/carbon scrubber in my tent for the next venture, using the 6" opening on the side and suspend the system up in the celling inside the tent. I'm to understand that the cfm is important to calculate. LxWxH which would give me 40. I read that efficient path multiply by 2 which would give me 80, being Im just going to run the filter, then fan, then duct to blow outside of my tent, I believe this is passive intake.
{ inside tent (filter > fan > duct >) outside tent }
I guess thats what is meant by efficient path, and just vent into my normal room downstairs. Im not so much worried about heat as I plan on starting with a basic led grow light, and the ambient temp of the actual downstairs stays approx. at 68-70 deg year long, and keeps a good humidity level at all times.
I read that with the size of my tent the cfm of the fan should be around 80-120 cfm. I found a fan I think is good but is rated at 315 cfm. Would this actually be overkill and do more harm then good? I dont want such a negative pressure that the tent sucks inward to the point it would somehow harm my plant when I get ready to grow "starting with one plant, but planning on two in future"...
#2. As filters go, I hear alot of good reviews about a brand "Phresh". They have both a 6"x16" filter in 400 cfm and a 6"x24" in 550 cfm. Is it ok to have the filter in a much higher cfm then the fan? And if so, would 16" filter do the job or is that a waste of time and should consider the 24"? Reason Im asking about the size is not so much cost factor, but as Im disabled and 16" might make it easier to tend to such as when time to change pre-filter and such.
#3. This is regarding the hydroponics system I chosen. DWC with 5 gallon bucket, Ill most likely in time try different methods just for the experience such as top drip, ebb & flow, even flooming in time as I find this interesting as hell. But for the time being right now I just want to keep it simple as so I can start growing, then later add and expand and try newer thing.
Anyway, the question is, Im looking at an air pump. The General Hydroponics Dual Diaphragm air pump.
My way of thinking, which that and .25 cents will get ya a cup of coffee, is to use two of the outputs for one bucket and shut off the other two outlets until I start growing two plants, then have 2 and 2 per bucket, for two air stones per bucket. Ive been reading that you cant really oxygenate your water for hydroponics enough. Whether thats true or not, I dont know, which is why Im asking the seasoned pros here for any and all advise.
Im to understand these type of air pumps can get a little hot, basically the body is one big heat sink the way the look, so I plan on getting a small wooden footstool to mount on top, but just under where the pump is mounted, cut a hole as to have one of those 5" or so square fans much like used on machine tools "lathes, mills" to keep the electoral cool, and mount underneath to constantly blow up under the air pump to keep the air pump cool the same way. Plus helps keep electrical off the ground.
But is it ok for a pump like this to dedicate 2 lines per bucket?
#4. And last question please, But as air stones go, Ive been reading where alot who use DWC systems like a brand called BubbleMac. The barbs are for 3/16" I.D. hose, which match the air pump. Amazon has listed that the outtakes on the air pump is 1/4" but further research I found that they are meant to fit 3/16" I.D. hoses, so that would all match. But does anyone have any experience with BubbleMac? And if so, I didnt know which size. I see a bigger one that is 1.5"x1.5"x6 inch, run two per bucket and really air the water, or a smaller size? Although I read you cant have to much oxygen in your water, but then again, Im still learning and dont want to overkill anything which would cause harm to any plants either.
Thanks to anyone who takes time to read this and reply, Although I find MJ as the only pain relief for my work injury being I cant touch dr prescribed pain meds because they just flat out make me sick, I find the whole idea of growing to be fascinating and a very enjoyable, relaxing hobby as well as rewarding. Almost as enjoyable as lighting up a bowl while listening to some old Rolling Stones with my father and puppy.