Few questions?( pic included)


Well-Known Member
image.jpg Ok guys here r pics of my 35 day old from seed.. Couple questions.. How do they look? A lil small to me and 1is stretching..I'm guessing hps for veg is the reason?will the lanky one perk up? Any help plz.. Oops..running n soil no nutes ,400hps 18/6..I'm prolly leaving out vital info..lol



Active Member
Just to get these questions out of the way:

What kind of soil?
How often do you water? Looks damp in the pics.


Well-Known Member
Scott's i think..every 3 days and yes they r damp cuz I just watered before I took pic..can I just add soul up to top of bucket to help the tall one out?


Well-Known Member
Yep, trim off the lower growth and fil to top of bucket. And put a fan blowing lightly on plant, will thicken it up some. And hps does have tendency to cause stret h in veg.