FF nute schedule caused N toxicity


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if anybody else has had the same results using the Fox Farm Hydro feeding schedule? Major Nitrogen Toxicity!!! Ive been a soil grower from day one but this is my first attempt at hydroponics.

Heres my setup:
SOG Cabs
E&F table 4 floods per lighting
1"rockwool cubes in hydroton

4weeks into flower (happened in week 2)
ppm was 800/ ph was 5.4

The hydro schedule on their website says to use BIG GROW though out the entire grow, even through the flowering stage. Their FAQ even backs this statement up.

As stated above it happened in week 2, im now in week 4. First week was all GROW BIG to give a boost in size to clones. Rez change and started FF hydro schedule (starting at 50% of course) on into week 2 got the classic dark green foliage with "the claw" and a abundant of foliage :wall: Flushed immediatley, no nute burn was caused just too much nitrogen. For the next few weeks i omitted the GROW BIG and just stuck with TIGER BLOOM and BIG BLOOM. week 4 im left with small looking yield, leafy bud, and stem lesions!!

Just wanting to get some feedback from others... Anyone else use the hydro schedule successfully? Anyone with similar problems? i was iffy on using it in the first place, guess i proved myself right.

:bigjoint: smoke another one lol see what else i cant screw up!


Well-Known Member
not supposed to follow the fox farm nute sched. Depends on your strain. Usually Indicas can handle a little more nutes.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply... obviously i have already come to that conclusion. You are actually the first person i hear say NOT to use the FF schedules... All i ever read is "Oh just follow the schedule....." or "i pretty much stuck to their schedule, cant go wrong" on 100's of posts.... ive searched...

im not the only MF'er on this planet to have this problem. There has got to be somebody out there that has used their hydro schedule successfully. OR had it completely ruin their grow.

Im aware Indicas handle more nutes...Its not the fact it cant handle the nutes, there is absolutely no burn... only N toxicity. Come on RIU speak up!

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
You cant follow the nute schedule for any fertilizer. Its not a pot growing schedule. If you use around 1/2 strenght your shoud be close. Thats OK for soil but you need to have a tds meter if you are growing in hydro to do it right. The strenght of the nutes changes as the plants use them and have to be compensated for. You have to pay attention to the NPK on the nutes too and stay in a good range. In veg pot likes a NPK like 30-30-30 or 20-20-20. All the same. For flower the best is 10-20-30. Teh numbers can vary but thats what is recomended for pot!


Well-Known Member
yeah, I greatly scale back FF's feeding schedule. I'm following their soil schedule and right now they want me to be giving my plants 2 tbl of Big Bloom and 2 tbl of Grow Big...when in actuality I'm just giving them 1 tlb of Big Bloom.

I've always greatly scaled back what they suggest.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
To answer your question I used the Botanicare schedule and roasted one of my best plants in late flower. Since then I have read a lot of post saying not to go over 1/2 strenght till late flower. I never go full strenght even at late flower because all nutes are too strong for that. Starting at 400ppm for 3 week old seedlings and then keeping at 600ppm for soil and 800ppm for hydro in veg and 1100-1200 for flower works the best and the yields will prove it if you go this route.


Well-Known Member
yeah i thought i scaled back enough (50%)....

I do use a TDS meter(even for my soil grows) PPM were 800 that day.

this shouldnt cause a N overload, thats why it doesnt make any sence to me.

this happened on 1tsp/gal of GrowBig. it recommends 2tsp/gal thru almost the entire grow.

i completly stopped using GB and the problem stopped. Im prolly just gonna switch from FF to something else. new clones almost rooted anyway....

Anyways...Thanks for the all replys, have a happy new year:leaf:


Well-Known Member
ok. i'm going in to week 2 of flowering using FF hydro. for the first 2 weeks of flowering u dont have to use grow big,just tiger bloom,big bloom, and open sesame. Do you havethe beastie bloomz and the cha ching

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I have Grow Gig but I only use it for N deficencys and it seems the Fox Farms 3 pack I have has too much P so you can only use a little. I like Supernatural products they are good but they are harder for me to get so Im trying Technaflora and so far so good! The last waterfarm gave me 5 ozs, cant complain. Happy New Year!


Well-Known Member
nah i only have the base nutes.. i suppose maybe the small amount GB during week 2 pushed it over the top

i think im just going to settle with i just muffed it all up.:lol:

thanks for everyones help