ff nutes/16oz party cups


Active Member
Hey everyone I have 5 show whites growing n 16oz cups. 2wk old. And I was wondering how much nutes do.I use for 16oz cups when I hear that its 1/4 tsp a gal. So since its a 16oz it has to be less then 1/4?


Active Member
Do a very little at a time untill you start to notice run off comming out of the drain holes you punched in the bottom.


Active Member
Ok thanx. Ill try. N ill mix with water wen I feed. I should feed them.grow.big first right for.veg?


i dont think you should be using nute's when the plant is so young.. but im a newbie here and still learning so someone can prob put me right.

Check first before giving them food just to make sure :D



Active Member
Yea I actually read that too. That usually start using.nutes at a month. I'm just asking that's all. I'm heading to the hydroponic right now to purchase it. Anything else.I.need to.buy?


Active Member
I suppose it depends on the soil when you start giving nutes. I use a compost so i don't start feeding untill about a month into it. With most soil you can go a few weeks without feeding infact you should untill they are out of the seedling stage( when you start noticing big growths your veggin) And start out with a quarter of the recommended dose or half so they get used to them. And you def need to mix your nutes with a gallon of water If you you FF nutes you'll put the grow big and whatever else all mixed in one jug. good luck brother


Active Member
Yea true. I use ff ocean forest and add some perlite in it. Snows whites couple.inches tall at 15 days now with 3rd set of leaves growing. So basically ill mix a quarter or half of grow big to a gallon of water and when soil dry up I feed till soil is moist? But for veg right. And.when I hit flowering I mix big bloom n tiger n a gallon or no? A little confused but learning.


Well-Known Member
you wont need nutes in 16 ounce cups using ffof soil. wait till you get them into bigger pots. i only use grow big for two feedings my whole cycle, once about 2 weeks before they go into 12/12. (about 2 and a half months of veg) The second time when they go into 12/12 before the stretch. I do give them Big bloom though every few weeks.


Active Member
Yea I kind of figured that. I'm trying to look for those simple black grow pots. Looking for 1-3 gallon pot. Idk where though. Home depot? Lowes? Walmart? I'm going to veg for 6-8 weeks and flower 8-10 weeks.


Active Member
I read that some growers use grow big as soon as they pop from soil all the way till veg is over then use bb n tb.


Active Member
from what i understand grow big isn't much of a fertilizer, it has trace amounts but it is packed full of little microbes and other bacterias that are good for the plant and help make it healthy, it also helps the roots uptake the nutrients more efficiently,(I could be wrong, I've been known to be at times) I personally use Sea Green but it's basically the same thing... worm casting, and other odds n ends. but yea i def don't feed untill they are transplanted into their perminant pots. as for watering i wait untill the soil is dry but not so dry the sides start forming a gap between the soil and pot and just water untill i see water draining. After awhile all you'll need to do is pick up the pot and have an idea of how much is needed.

As for the switch into flowering yes just mix big bloom and tiger bloom in one gallon jug I also like to add 1-2 tsp. of blackstrap mollassas (They love it)


Active Member
Ok ku. Thanx for the help. Ill get back to u. Ill post some pics n my setup to show what's going on OK.


Active Member
Well I didn't take any pics yet as I don't want to turn lights on to.shock. my setup is basically a few cfls but I know I need more to grow these 5 snow whites to have better yield. I'm growing in a big box. Going to spray with flat white all over. Small fan blowing 24/7. Not on it where it bends plants but away from it. And a home built reflector. Sounds good?


Active Member
Sounds good make sure you have plenty of fresh air throughout that box. and remember its always easier to pull air out than it is to push fresh air in. I personally have a tent but also a small box for starting stuff out. I have a small fan inside tossin air around and another that is pulling the stail air out of the box.


Active Member
Plants looking happy .. Good job man. Get more cfls and another fan eventually.. Every dollar spent is worth it . Your ladies will thank u. Im still on my first grow and the 1 plant I had finish from bagseed didn't end up yielding shit. But my 2nd is looking a lot better .. Started in a closet with cfls.. $2500 later, I hsve what I need, haha. But no buds yet. Every time I bought something and went broke for weeks will all be worth it soon I hope. Check it out if u like, I will be following your grow -thchead


Active Member
Yea I know I'm going to spray it flat white today all around and yea I have more cfls I just need to buy the splitters. I hope ill get a couple ounces at least from each plant. Lol yea u r finally.a pothead.