ff nutes/16oz party cups


Active Member
I'm just using water to feed. When should I start using my ff nutes? Also is their anything that's just as good as ff nutes?


Well-Known Member
from what i understand grow big isn't much of a fertilizer, it has trace amounts but it is packed full of little microbes and other bacterias that are good for the plant and help make it healthy, it also helps the roots uptake the nutrients more efficiently,(I could be wrong, I've been known to be at times) I personally use Sea Green but it's basically the same thing... worm casting, and other odds n ends. but yea i def don't feed untill they are transplanted into their perminant pots. as for watering i wait untill the soil is dry but not so dry the sides start forming a gap between the soil and pot and just water untill i see water draining. After awhile all you'll need to do is pick up the pot and have an idea of how much is needed.

As for the switch into flowering yes just mix big bloom and tiger bloom in one gallon jug I also like to add 1-2 tsp. of blackstrap mollassas (They love it)
big bloom is the one with all of the micro nutrients its almost like a pale chocolate milk, grow big is a fertilizer, you got the two mixed up i do it all of the time :-)


Well-Known Member
Is their anything else I need to get to make my setup better?
what kind of budget are you sitting on right now there is a ton of things you could get? what do you plan on flowering under do you have a hps light yet? how many of the FF nutes do you have?

I run the liquids, i hardly go through grow big. i go through around a gallon of big bloom every two grows, and around a half a quart of tiger bloom. i also run solubal beasty blooms around week 3 and four of flowering to pk spike my plants and cause them to put on a lot of extra weight. For the first 5-6 weeks of flowering i give them advance nutrients bud candy in place of what was molases. I have noticed a lot better looking plants this go around.

I was doing a final flush yesterday and i had two plants snap at the base of the plant, the stems in this area are like tree bark and around an inch in diamiter. running FFoF soil mixed with sunshine pro mix 4, 16 plants in a 4x4 tent with one 600w light on them.

Definatly let us know your budget and your final goal with growing and we will help you prioratize what you should be investing in now and working towards. Im still working on my second 600w light, and many other goodies (reverse osmosis system, Co2, a disel generator and 26, 1000W lights with a farm house in the midle of nowhere..haha).


Active Member
I'm on a budget where I have to stay with cfl the whole way. Hopefully its Ok. I have all quarts for the ff nutes. Grow big big bloom n tiger. Am.I going to need more? I just lost my job so I really have to b on.a budget budget.


Active Member
Yea. I'm hoping that it wont be stretched. Planning on adding more soil to cover stem. Grow room bout 3 by 3. I don't want it tall tall. Its 14 days old out of soil. What are you growing under?


Active Member
Everyone. Is it OK if I use 2 100-150 watt cfl for my 5 plants the whole way.as I'm on a budget and can't afford hps like I want to.


Well-Known Member
ive never grown with cfl light, i use t5's for vegging my clones. i dont know how many you would need but ive never seen any pics of someone using cfl lighting and thought "man those buds look awsome". your going to have a hell of a time flowering 5 plants under cfl lighting, if you can find anyway to invest in a hps light it will pay for itself in the extra weight your plants will have when done the first grow.


Active Member
I never bothered looking at my hydroshop lol. Dumb me. But yea I seen ppl use cfl but I.rather prefer hps or mh what's better and cheaper between.the 2? But with 5 plants how many hps or mh bulb will I need?


Active Member
And by the way I'm thinking of fimming 2 plants probably tomorrow. Going to top other 2 when 4th or 5th node comes. And Lst the 5th what you guys think about this. I just want to see the difference n see everything for myself. Ppl say fim sucks or top sucks idk lol.


Well-Known Member
600w is the best bang for your buck you dont need a MH bulb you can pick a T5 up down the road and continue to use cfl right now for your plants in veg. i would go a minimum of 400w for 3x3 with 5 plants, there would be a noticable diference in yield between the 400 and the 600 with that many plants in a small area. check your hydro shop or htgsupply online, they have really nice priced stuff and they ship discreat.


Active Member
alright ku. Ill look toward to getting the hps. I think ill get the 400 watter. Small grow room anyways it'll be nice. So if I was to buy the hps now u reccomend me to use a It and my cfl to veg? Then hps to flower? If yea it'll be different growth if I used hps from the start rite?


Active Member
I.checked out ur journal and I.always wondered how do u have it short.n bushy so early? Mine looks like its just going to.stretch but I have it real close. Is it cause my light is no good?


Well-Known Member
youll want to make a seperate grow area if at all posible to veg your plants, this will also serve as an area to clone in. once you start getting clones it opens up so much opertunity to experament on plants and not have to stress waisting 3 months vegging them before you throw them into flower.


Well-Known Member
thats a pretty old journal i was using my 600w ballast with a MH bulb. it grows plants a hell of a lot quicker than my T5 and also grows them a lot more bushy. but for the way i grow using a MH bulb to veg clones make them grow way to quickly.


Active Member
Ok yea. My.Unkle knows how to clone. So ill ask how. I always wanted to try instead of all this waiting for.seed to sprout lol. And I looked online and hps 400w is like a bill something. Dam idk when ill get that money. Is their a way to make it short n at least a little bushy with my cfl?


Active Member
Anyone? Knows how to make it short n bushy growing with cfl? I know topping lst and fim but I'm waiting till I have around 4-5 nodes.


Active Member
Lovemug. Lol I ran downstairs and checked, your right. They all sound pretty damn familiar thanks for the clarification.

So dude about your Cfls I don't know shit on that. I use t-5 for first couple weeks then move under 400mh then switch to 400hps. Dude go with the 600wy biggest regret and it's not like I save a bunch of money either. Also I want to say i personally find it hard to grow bomb ass nugs on a budget. Treat em like it's a new girl and pamper them!!