FF Ocean Forest & Nutes


Active Member
have you used OF? I guarantee if you nute seedlings in week three you will burn them. Unless by seedlings he means "full-grown plants". Even then, they won't need anything in week three.

yes i am using OF right now it's nor problem works great. but i had a clone so it might be different. i don't know. owell all i know is that i started nutes like 2 weeks after and it's perfect.


Well-Known Member
yes i am using OF right now it's nor problem works great. but i had a clone so it might be different. i don't know. owell all i know is that i started nutes like 2 weeks after and it's perfect.
Yeah you're clone will probably be more tolerant. Still, that's really early. You didn't see any N-def before you fed, I assume?


Active Member
i guess it just might be the strain but my friend clipped it for me. and he said that this purple cotton candy should start nutes 2 weeks after i got her in ocean forest.
so its different for each one i guess.

and i didn't notice andy N-Def.


Well-Known Member
im new to using all this too. i got OF fox farm soil with clones. i just watered them when i potted them and then their second watering was 5 days later when they were dried out... i watered them 1/2 gallon with the nutes calculated and the ph was 5.9.. the guy told me to try n hit 6.5 for soil... i watered with what i had and i was very iffy about it... i definately under did it but thats only because i have read many times about nute burn. im planning on watering with just corrected water no nutes for 2nd watering. what do you think? i dont know how much water to use for a 3 gal pot. any help? i thought 1/2 gallon was decent.... just didnt wanna over do it. any help would be great. unknown strains from a local dispensary


Well-Known Member
If I remember correctly, OF has dolomite lime in it. YOu shouldn't have to pH your water unless it's really horrible out of the tap.

Water until you get some drainage out of the bottom.

I wouldn't use nutes yet. At least let them acclimate to the soil before you blast them. Remember, just because you don't see nute burn doesn't mean it's not negatively affecting growth rate, among other things. Moar is not better. Just right is better... it's not like eating - shoving more down your plant's throat will not make it fatter. It will make it ill.

I think I'm going to start a thread called this: "For new growers and old growers alike: cut your favorite mix with 1/3 perlite and say goodbye to overwatering forever". seriously, it is really hard to overwater with well-draining mix, and much faster to correct nutrient issues, especially overfertilization.


Well-Known Member
hey cee, whats up. i have mixed 1/3 perlite with 2/3 OF. they seem to be doing good and growing nicely under my 400w. only 2 plants but i just found a seed from my Killer OG, and it was nice and healthy so i planted in under it as well... hope to see a sprout soon :D i did 6tsp big bloom / 1/2 gallon and 1 tsp grow big and 1/4 tsp cal-mag.. the water before nutes was 8.3?! when i added everything it dropped to 5.9-6.1.


Well-Known Member
hey cee, whats up. i have mixed 1/3 perlite with 2/3 OF. they seem to be doing good and growing nicely under my 400w. only 2 plants but i just found a seed from my Killer OG, and it was nice and healthy so i planted in under it as well... hope to see a sprout soon :D i did 6tsp big bloom / 1/2 gallon and 1 tsp grow big and 1/4 tsp cal-mag.. the water before nutes was 8.3?! when i added everything it dropped to 5.9-6.1.
what's up, toad. no nutes for your seedlings bro.

wait, the nute solution was 6, or the soil was six after you added it? Both should contain pH buffers.


Well-Known Member
Certainly not 12 tsp of BB per gallon!!! EAAASSSYYYY on them nutes grasshopper. Iv always thought it better to fix a deficiency then watch for signs of over nuting. Start small and work up when you know the levels your plant NEEDS.


Well-Known Member
Certainly not 12 tsp of BB per gallon!!! EAAASSSYYYY on them nutes grasshopper. Iv always thought it better to fix a deficiency then watch for signs of over nuting. Start small and work up when you know the levels your plant NEEDS.
fucking amen to that. it only takes killing a plant or dozen to learn that lesson the hard way, but fuck ....

rep for that shit.


Well-Known Member
hm.... they seem to be growing fine. i did 3 tsp in 1/2 gallon water for 1 of em and 6 tsp in 1/2 gallon water for the other. They both seem to be doing healthy, but the one that i fed more has a darker, healthier look to it. Im watering today when i get off work with just reg ph'd water... hope to see em keep on growing. P.s. Not really seedlings... They were clones and now are almost 12 inches with a good 4-5 sets of nodes, i tied both down yesterday and they're already growin towards the light again, its beautiful :D