FF Ocean Forrest to start seeds?

Los Muertos

Active Member
Hi everyone,
Does anyone happen to know if Fox Farm's Ocean Forrest mix is suitable to start seeds in? Seems like I'd heard somewhere that it will burn up seedling b/c of the added nutes. I was gonna start some auto-flowering seeds in peat pots and then into the FF mix, but as I understand it auto-flowering strains don't like to be transplanted, right? Any suggestions would be most appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I didn't have a problem with it, I used rapid rooter plugs in a prop tray till I had a fat tap root and then put them straight into the ffof.


Active Member
Never tried it... just heard it will burn em... although sounds like racerboy doesnt have a problem...

I start mine in Rapid Rooter then to Promix BX in 6" pots then to FFOF in a 2 gallon and i get 2 1/2' to 3' plants to bloom just fine...


Active Member
I've been doing it lately without any problems. I "heard" numerous people say that it's to hot and it will burn clones but for a few months now I've sprouted Jack Herer and Godberry both in FFOF without a hitch. Both of those phenos are heavy feeders also so maybe that's why.
I just sprouted 30 OG seeds in straight Ocean Forest and they took off faster than anything else I have grown from seed. Doesn't seem to be any problem with excess nutrients but it wouldn't hurt to mix it with some coco or peat moss. Just remember that you don't need to feed them until they are really established, just use plain water.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
It does work, but depending on the strain, some seedlings may struggle more because of the hotness of FFOF like others have said above me. I have done it many times but looking back now, its obvious why some plants took a while to get going, now I start all my seeds in light warrior and rapid rooters, because I dont wanna risk destroying any seedlings.


Well-Known Member
I've found that plants started in LW have a much better root system due to its texture. However strains that tend to be heavy feeders begin suffering after about week if it's a small pot.