FFOF and GH Go Box

Im coming to an end of my first grow, needless to say I did not do great. The 4 plants I have, have all look pretty bad most of the time. Very yellow, brown spots, very cripsy leaves, you name it I had it. Anyway heres what I'm using.

Perp. 12/12 FS ( 2 new plants go in as 2 come out) 6 plants total at all times.
3x3 tent (70* lowest temps 80* highest)
FFOF soil with Perlite 50/50 mix
600w HPS
2 clip on fans pointed at the plants
inline fan blowing the air straight out the window

The plants looked fine for the first 2 weeks in the soil, (they didn't recieve nutes at this time). I followed the nute guidelines starting at around week 2 at 1/4 strength and gradually increased. I fed them every other watering so
water-nutes-water-nutes-etc. Also it takes about 4 days before the soil is dry when I stick my finger in (check up to my knuckle) again Water-wait 4 days-nutes-wait 4 days-water-wait 4 days- Etc...

So heres my questions people that use both FFOF and GH Go Box products do you
1. Feed as directed? Or end up feeding more?
2. Feed every watering? I feel like I may have to since maybe food every 8 days is to long.
3. There is 8 bottles do you guys use all 8 or only the important ones?

I really appreciate it guys, I just started 2 new plants and they are one week 3 with one feeding at 1/4 str and are starting to lose their green color I don't want a repeat of what happen last time.

Also I'm posting this in 2 sections not sure which one will get the best results so I apologize if this upsets anyone.


Well-Known Member
A small piece of advice,aerate your water for an hour or two before you mix in your general organics solutions.
its surprising how much of a difference heaving no chlorine in your water will have
you sound like your doing everything right,always start at 1/4-1/2 of what the feed charts tell you.

i usually water twice,fert once,water twice,fert once,ect.

unless your using compost tea,you can water with that a little more often with no problems


I am on my 3rd grow and have always used the gh go box or grow box ( I also use super thrive 1 drop per gallon clone - flower ) . I am still currently experimenting with it, but i will tell you how I have felt it to be used most effectively so far. The 2nd watering after transplant that my clones receive has 1/4 the recommended amounts on the grow box. Then depending on how long you are going to veg I increase the amounts with the goal being the last week of veg they are receiving 100% of the recommended amounts of nuts. Then when I switch to 12/12 light cycle i progressively increase to reach 200% - 250% by mid bloom. I also run nuts until 10 days before harvest when they receive just ph'd water with 2 full dry days before harvest. As far as some of the optional boosters, my first 2 i used them and this time around I have not and I am not noticing any difference. My plants are on a 3 day feeding cycle. 2 days of feeding, 1 dry day, and repeat. I only run nuts 2 in arrow then 1 flush and that rotates within the 3 day cycle.

-Also this time around I am adding koolbloom 2 -45 -28 for weeks 6 and 7

I have also followed these rules with mixing:
1. Base first and get it diluted ( I use 5 gallon jugs and fill apprx 1/5 )
2. Add organics / boosters (NO CALMAG) and fill jug 1/2
During step 2 since there are multiple items I will stir as I am adding and do so one at a time until i feel it is blended.
3. Add CalMag last

I was explained this due to a nut lockout I was experiencing and since implementing this I have not had that issue again.
I let the water sit for about 2 days before use. I tried flushing then using water more then nutes, thinking I overdid it, but definitely seemed to get worse the more I watered.
How often are you watering? Most threads I read people water every other day. I'm going about 4 days every water, Takes awhile for my soil to dry out.


Well-Known Member
Picture 077.jpgPicture 034.jpgi feed 1 time a week & adjust my ph to 6.6-6.5 & i water about every 3 days as needed im using gh 3-part flora series with cal mag also using ffof gonna use go-box next grow as i had the 3-part nutes left over from my hydro grows but im happy with my results 1st pic is from 5-31-13 the other was taken today



IMG_5994.jpg ive been wanting to try the flora series actually i have a smaple of it but my aeroponics has gotten slightly delayed... figured i share a pic to :) from today week 5 complete today (35days)
My plants are definitely not that green. I guess Ill try a feed-feed-water with the recommended nutes then just trial and error. I just read so many threads about people using it just like I am and their plants look 100x better. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.


Well-Known Member
you can add all the nutes in the world & if the ph isnt right the plants wont absorb the nutes this is true in soil or hydro i tried the go box in coco & wasnt getting good results but gonna give them another try in soil i have a friend turning out really tasty product using the g-o organic nutes


thats what the go box is its from General hydroponics but it is under the General organics name. that was a pic of a OG Kush.. i seem to have the nutes dialed in for her but not so much for my medi-buds ...View attachment 2702107


personally I have stopped adjusting the ph since i am running the organics and i believe it improved things once i stopped


Well-Known Member
Those guidlines on boxes are generally just that.....a guideline. You have to adjust for each particular plant. I basically up the nutes until i see some nute burn, and then i back off, then i l know kind of the max that plant can take.


Am I the only one who noticed that you said you let your mixture sit for 2 days??
This isn't the best idea, unless it is being continuously aerated with a powerful enough air-pump\stone.

I often used amended FFOF and have been using GO products for the past several months. I do not adjust fertigation solution pH or anything. One of the most important things I add to the soil mix before planting in it is dolomite limestone at a couple tablespoons per gallon. Dolomite provides long term Ca and Mg while neutralizing acidity over time. Cannabis really does need good amounts of Ca and Mg, which are referred to as 'secondary nutrients' (along with sulfur). The ingredients found in most potting mixes such as sphagnum peat tend to be acidic. Liming agents are usually found in these products (oyster shell flour, dolomitic or calcitic limestone) although the amounts and exact pH of the product will vary considerably.

The CaMg+ product in the GO box is intended to provide some calcium and magnesium, ideally in concert with lime in the soil. You want to use higher rates if your water source is relative free of dissolved solids: e.g. reverse-osmosis\multistage filtered, distilled, bottled, or rain.

The Diamond Black is a liquid leonardite\humus formula, it contains substances that (among other things) play a role in nutrient availability, assimilation and transport (humic and fulvic acids). Use as recommended 1 tsp - 1 tbsp per gallon.

Bio-Marine is a squid-based plant\soil food that can be used by itself or with the others. Bio-Weed is a kelp extract, it has minor amounts of potassium and trace minerals, complex carbohydrates certain organisms love but the primary consideration are the plant growth hormones\substances it contains. These should stimulate plant growth under the right conditions, best not to over-use and stop using before bloom.

Bio-Root and Bud are self explanatory supplements for growth and bloom stages, also best used at recommended rates. And finally you have the Bio-Thrive Grow and Bloom formulas that can also be used as one-part nutrients. As the direction state you can double the rates for large and fast growing plants, if it is actually necessary.

Only other thing is it seems kind of odd to me that you're only having to water every 4 days, given the mix you describe, if the plants have been in there for longer than a couple weeks. What size are the containers?... and pictures would absolutely help. Generally you have to start watering at least bit more frequently once roots have really spread. Perlite itself really doesn't absorb too much water. It also has no cation exchange capacity (CEC) or ability to hold onto nutrients.
FFOF generally already has a decent amount of perlite in it, if you ask me, so to add that much more to it seems beyond over-kill. I amend OF with about a third coco coir instead (or SAM#4).
Sorry when I said I let the water sit for 2 days I meant tap water. I fill the gal with tap water and let "that" sit for 2 days. I usually mix in the nutes around 15min before I feed. Put in 1 nute, mix it, put in the next, mix it, and do that till all is added. Then after that I put the lid on shake the gal and let it sit for 10-15min. Usually putting the plants in the tub at this point.

I'm using 2 gal pots for all 6 plants. I have a pic of the budding plant and the 3 week old one above. You can see the yellow patching it's starting to get on the leaves. the first time I did 50/50 perlite the 2 new ones are about 60/40 soil/perlite. But yes it takes about 4 days for the soil to dry out knuckle deep.

I followed the guideline very strict so I probably want to add more caMg and more bloom. Like I said I'm running a 12/12 from seed so by the time my plants start loosing their green in just the FFOF soil (around 2-3 weeks) they're already showing signs up sex. So unless some one corrects me on this I think I will up the dose of CaMg and the dose of Thrive and give it a little bit of bloom for a week or 2 then start to lay off the thrive while going up on the bloom.

at week 3:
Heavy dose: of CaMg and Bio thrive Grow
Regular dose: of Bio thrive bloom, root, weed, bud


I am personally running the go box along with superthrive (and going to add koolbloom this time for weeks 6 and 7) but i use happy frog soil in 3 gallon containers. Also I have recently ( during this grow ) switched from ph'ing my water to not due to various forums and web information I have gotten bassed on the go box's statement of not doing it. I dont feel that i have had any negative effects from doing this. I also cannot state that anything has changed for the positive since ive made so many changes to my grow setup ( better setup way better results :D 3x the lights might of helped some ;D )