Field Mice


New Member
Well I Tarped a chicken coop as professionally as possible 400w/hps, sealed the light leaks, and got it with a heater and fan bring in air and all.
The problem is I started two days ago and I went in today to find a field mouse or two under he tarp on the corner,,
I fucking panicked, wen and smoked a bowl and a cig an realized go kill some motherfuckers, but they are quick bastards.
Peppermint Oil?
A fake Owl?
A Waterbucket with sunflower seeds?
Or am do I just need to quit indoor..... As it's my first time but winters making me insane,,


Well-Known Member
1 Walmart
2 Mouse Traps
3 Set Mouse Traps
4 ??????
5 Profit?
So you set up a chicken coop (I'm thinking outside) to use as a grow shack?
It's gonna be warm in there. It's cold outside. Animals are going to go where it's warm and snug. Mice can squeeze through extremely tight spaces. They're going to get in there if they can wedge through any opening. A fake owl isn't going to do anything.

Or this if you don't want to kill a bunch of mice.


having recently just went through having a rat murder a mother plant sticky traps with a little peanut butter are the way.


New Member
Ok thanks for the feedback so far, just got home with mouse traps, gonna go set... Any other thoughts? or Advise?


Well-Known Member
Bait a mouse or rat trap with peanut butter mixed with a pesticide

make sure to wash your hands First, than put on throw away gloves and set the trap mice/rats have excelent smell

set the trap in a known path, and against a wall mice/rats are near blind and much prefeer to walk along a wall, board, or something similar

mice/rats are also very cautious when it comes to new things, it would be in your advantage to set the traps in your locations with out bait for 2 days then bait the trap - Theirs some good info. in this link about trapping mice/rats ect.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Good old Victor mouse traps.
Like Liberty said place them along walls. Mice piss to leave a trail much like ants.
I don't like poisons because the mice can hide b4 they die and it stinks after they die.
The stink you can never find, for months.


New Member
So the sides are deffinantly more proffesional and insulated as theres' wood to go into and beams, but this is just the bottom, showing how I can see the little bastards in the corners sometimes..
No peanut butter but I have cheese on 8 traps in and around the coop..As to why there's 7 Im in a Legal State, I have an MMJ card card and live with 2 adults.
The fuckers locked tight and dogs on gaurd. (fucking piggies:finger:), is it's atleast an 8x8x8 shed (slanted roof) and I hope to put half of them or so outside when it warms up :bigjoint:
If this thread get much more discussion I'll open up a new thread in indoor as soon as I have decided about the mice.
Thanks all youu fellow.... "rollers"? :leaf:
P.s. like em bushy, Topping and Scroggin,, tie'n em' down and making em wrestle out and get all tough and huge(;



New Member
still trippin balls on the mice issue if anyone has help though..
I'v heard people say if they don't fuck shit up leae em' but what about diseases, for an all organic guy i'm scarred shitless


Active Member
Make sure to spray down droppings with water (and bleach if you like) before disturbing them to clean them up as it is the dust from dry droppings that can be a vector for disease.


New Member
Can you tell more info on the above^^
Such valuable info to a new indoor grower...
I want to know is there an organic way to spray my seedlings?? And can you go into detail on the best methods?


Active Member
Can you tell more info on the above^^
Such valuable info to a new indoor grower...
I want to know is there an organic way to spray my seedlings?? And can you go into detail on the best methods?
If you have any mouse droppings around your plants, just use water only. The idea is to keep any poo particles from becoming airborne when you go to sweep or wipe them up.

For eviction and future deterrent: Around the EXTERIOR perimeter of the coop, you could put moth-balls (around a foot apart) if there are no small children or other animals that can get at them. Moth-balls need to be reapplied when you don't catch a whiff of them when you are around the coop.


New Member
I'll look into mothballs, Victor Mouse Traps have gotten 2 of the fckers and I have applied peppermint oil +soaked cottonballs....
No mice in the room of the grow is whats weird, they all seem almost trapped on the otherside, still want the fuckers gone,
OH watered with colloidal silver today, knowing the seeds should sprout any day...(;

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
still trippin balls on the mice issue if anyone has help though..
I'v heard people say if they don't fuck shit up leae em' but what about diseases, for an all organic guy i'm scarred shitless
let me ask you this little bunny foo foo, did you try bopping them on the head???


New Member
Whats your rule for distance when sprouting seeds under these 400w? I know theyre not the best but whas a general idea??


Please don't kill rodents in unnatural, dis-humane manners like mouse traps and poison. Also realize that rodents, even mice are not that stupid (of course, some are unlucky). They are weary of unfamiliar food and will eat it very slowly, avoiding it unless desperate. Poisoned rodents can also threaten other unintended animals, and the poison itself may attract unattended animals or even pets.

Either get a cat or two, repel via one of the other various manners, trap and release or learn to live with them. If you don't want them to disturb your grow outside, or be inside your house then don't allow them access in the first place. Don't be messy and make your house appealing. Otherwise provide a cozy nesting area, bedding and some food outdoors a reasonable distance away from the structure.

As far as the mice are concerned, we're the fuckers. Bitch.

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