Filter CFM vs Fan CFM


Active Member
Hi there.

Stats: Grow cabinet 3x2x6 (36 cu.ft.) the recommended filter CFM for that space is 162 CFM

I have a filter rated at 400cfm and a fan that has an CFM of 340. My question is would it be adequate because the fan rating is less than the filter rating? I know the filter would reduce the "real" cfm, but if I can live with that temp wise, would it be ok for odor control?

Is it preferable to have a lower cfm than the recommended filter cfm, seeing as the air would flow more slowly and thus get scrubbed better?

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
I can't confirm your thinking here, since I don't run a filter myself. I should, I know. I just don't have the funds yet.

I can say I'm of the same mindset as you though, so if you're way wrong here somehow - you're not alone.


Yep. That should be fine. 400 vfm is max, but you probably want a controller for the fan, so you can control the fan speed. Hydrofarm has one for bout $30. This way, you can dial in fan speed to regulate temps. Make sense? Also what is not known is intake air cfm. Generally, more intake, less exhaust ( so the plants can have time to absorb the air). Hope this helps.