FilthyFletch is back


Mr I Can Do That For Half
hey we can all always disagree and not like a thought or opinion thas just human nature as long as we can keep it to disagreeing with the thought or hating an opinion and not the person I never have issue with disagreements....except when someone says Hilary is not a man glad to be back


welcome back filthy. i also built a clone bubbler inspired by yours but what is an easy way to get the clones out when rooted and how much roots should be visable before transplant.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I always use rockwool in my cloners and as soon as I see the first roots appear I get them out or they get real tangled in the pot.I also offer with mine neoprene cut outs that have slits in them you just pop the clone in the slit and place it in the hole instead of the netpot or with the netpot and no hydroton and the cut part gets misted and roots form then you just lift it out slide it out the slit and then plant it


neoprene ! you guys amaze me with tips thank you! I got a pair of old waders that are fucked now i got a good use for them.


Well-Known Member
welcome back fletch....glad you're back so i can bug you...hahaha

i need your brainstorming diy skills in one of my threads.....ebb n flow....ideas and alternatives....look me up and help me out, respond!


Well-Known Member
Welcome back man!!! Cant imagine what could have got you in trouble, your one of the most helpfull guys on here.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
well lets just say I did something that wasnt an approved topic and I promised to let it go but glad to be back amongst the people


Well-Known Member
Hey fletch great to have you back as your knoledge has been greatly missed. Look forward to many more of those informative posts as I have learnt a great deal from you. Thanks and keep up the great work!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
man Im always good it just seemed like I was a trouble maker for 10 minutes lol thanks for the luv everyone I appreciate knowing I help out sometimes


Active Member
Am new so don't know anything about you or your history with this site, but I do have a grow question that perhaps you or anyone for that matter can help me with. It would be much appreciated. One strain that i have has black splotches on the underside of some of the leaves. It does not seem to be affecting other strains in my flower room. They almost look like thrip damage but are very dark. Does anyone know what the heck this is?