Fimming and Topping 101


Well-Known Member
why is your plant tall and has little branches but mine have alot of branches growing (10 to 20 new branches per plant)


Well-Known Member
Nice post, I new what topping was but couldn't put my finger on Fimming. Much appreciated and thanks again for the info and detailed pics.


Active Member
could you lolipop essentially leaving only your 8 tops or like super crop all of them or something im just wondering how amixture of technigues work and how each has its benifits and disadvatages

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
This tutorial was amazing! My plants have atleast 10+ new growing tips!!! They did look pretty funny at first and then a few days later... bamm!

Try this technique, you won't be sorry!


Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
I'm growing A mouther plant at the moment and want to do this to incurage lots of lower growth and make the plant short and bushy.

So as soon as i get my 4th set of real leaves I chop them.
When do I chop the new growth on the Y?

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
earlier today I fimmed my first plant. Haven't done it before and I really tried not to do anything stupid. In my journal (post #115 I posted pics of what I've done.
Could someone please take a look at them and tell me if I fimmed right?

Hey Markj - that's how it's suppose to look at first - kinda funky, but give it a few more days and BAMM!!! Re-read the tutorial if you are feeling antsy... But dude there is no way to mess this up - cause if you go too far, well you have just topped your plant and that's all good too!



Active Member
what kind of strain is the plant that he topped mine looks like that but i don't know what strain because i asked a friend for a seed and i forgot to ask what strain :/


Active Member
I'm loving what I see on this thread : ) I have 22 girls that are ready to be switched from veg to flowering any day, have I waited too late to FIM or Top? What is the ideal time to do it?