fimming during flower

possible? my girls getting tall for the box just flipped a week ago and shes reached up about another inch leaving about 3 inches left for bus space. just one cola is really going to need chopping wondering if it will react the same and just split the growth between the two new 'tops'


Active Member
I doubt you will be fimming during flowering unless you have no buds growing yet. Also, fimming wont give you any space at all as you are hardly cutting anything. You could try to tie it down or your only other option is to top it. Topping during flowering though is not a good move as the plant will convert its energy into leave and stem production instead of bud production. This will slow down the growth rate of your buds and decrease the yield.
thanks for the help man im glad i didnt go ahead and do anything yet, shes grown about another inch so i think i will just bend the top three inchs or so over and tie her down, cheers


Well-Known Member
I didn't want to read your posts.
The answer is NO!
Never ever ever ever ever cut flower buds ever!

If you MUST, just bend them over lightly without breaking them.
But NEVER cut. Cutting will just remove the plant matter with all the built up floral hormones that it's been saving since it was born.

Don't cut it.

Just bend now, and learn your lesson for next time around.

Good luck!