Final Fantasy X


Well-Known Member
i decided about last pay check id start a good collection of ps2 games due to the fact its out of date and what not

so now im playing final fantasy X

its pretty chill

plus im super baked and its an easy play


Well-Known Member
\ no clue , i like any one player games that are easy and fun to play baked or un baked

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
ic lol....well then since u like ff x id say ud enjoy devil may cry(action RPG) or parasite eve(rpg)...unless u like more of a puzzle game then u might be a tomb raider person lol....if u like fighting games ull love tekken (unless u rather more blood and weapons then mortal kombat) beat doing wheelstands in prostreet unless ur blowin ppl up in twisted metal... war- medal of honor(alot of ppl like call of duty but medal is my personal fav)....if u like raising hell and bein a "lowlife" theres always the GTA series- god of war is a "hack and slash" rpg (gameplay slightly like DMC) .....what other genres are there??

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Tales of the Abyss
Zone of the Enders
Shadow of the Colossus
Dragon Quest VIII
Final Fantasy XII
Resident Evil 4
Hitman 2
Star Ocean 3
Indigo Prophecy
Deus Ex (though this is better and easier to find on pc)
The Bard's Tale

That's all that comes to mind at the moment, there are surely many others. I only really started getting into playing the PS2 recently now that it's so old that most of the games only cost a few bucks


Well-Known Member
You want Ratchet and Clank, Kingdom Hearts 2 and Oukami. Trust me.

Final Fantasy X was the game that made me suddenly take up 5 instruments at 14 and get a music qualification at 16. Writing way too much fanfiction landed me with A+ English. Watching too many FMVs and making AMVs got me a job in a film studio with a gaming miniseries.

Damn good game and way ahead of its time.