Final Flushing in CoCo


Active Member
I'm in my last week of flower (can't wait to start drying :) ) and this is my first time growing in coco. I started flushing early this morning while my lights were still on brought my runoff to about 80 - 100 ppm and water is pretty clear.

The part i'm confused about is if i should continue to water them through this week or can i let them just go dry to cut my drying time down when i cut'em down?

I have plants in 3gal containers and poured about 4 - 5 gals over each one to bring it down to about 100 ppm. Will they need more flushing? Right now my RH is about 28/30% so they will dry up in about 2 - 3 days.
let them drink for two more days to help get rid of the nutes in there system then let them dry out
I switch to straight water about two weeks before harvest. For a week I'll ph the water and then stop after that. Coco holds a lot of nutrients, at
least in 4 gallon bags. I'm always surprised at how lot it takes before they start to yellow. Running a fuck load of water through will hasten the
process but I'm lazy.
Yeah flushing these ladies is no easy task. It took me nearly 5 hours to flush 6 plants. could have gotten through it quicker but I have the smallest RO system - RO100/small boy and needed time for my res to fill up with more water.

So if flushing takes nutes out of the plant tissues, is it transferred back into the medium? Never understood the biology of flushing.

And just to mention, not sure if this makes a difference at this point but all my leaves are super green. None of them have yellowed yet.
Flushing makes the plant use the nutes it has stored up within itself. With nutes in the water it always has reserves stored in it for a rainy day, but with straight water or a flushing agent it uses those stored nutes because the roots aren't pulling in more.
Thanks Mike. If I'm not mistaken, the leaves hold the reserves, right? Would trimming during this last week have any benefit? Cutting back reserves sounds interesting to try.

Or are the leaves helping it ripen. Has anyone experimented with trimming in the last week?
toilets are for flushing, its waist of money, try it, flush this run but keep a bud or 2 back and on your next run don't flush and then try the 2buds from each grow, i tell you , you will never flush your plants again...... fecking waist of money 4sure ;-)
The leaves are what enable the plant to use the nutes. They're the workers on the outside. Stripping the leaves wouldn't speed up the process it would slow it down. The reserves are stored in the stems. There's probably some in the leaves but my guess would be that it's not much.
Thanks mike and unlucky. I will keep that in mind. It's not the first time I've heard that Flushing is a waste of time