Final Official: 1st Giveaway Contest of 2011~ Starts Right Now~ Entries Only!


Active Member
We should just restart the whole thing if anyone says that isn't fair oh well life isn't fair get over it. To have a successful competition we need a common interest and advertisement to get the people here.
What good would restarting do? The only thing I see should be amended is a time frame as opposed to a head count. I mean, its already "post anything" can't get much easier than that. Maybe those who win prizes could do spin off contests of their own, that is if anything ever gets awarded.

Also haven't heard from groovyhydro or ezclone reps in a while...


Well-Known Member
Well I shot the ezclone rep a message when I got banned letting him know I got banned... guess ill have to figure something out... will someone make a new user name as a test,
I believe rollitup is no longer accepting new users, when I was banned I was going to make another user account and come finish up the giveaway but, it said some error shit when I tried to registered a new name..

anyone else wanna try and let m know if it works for u?


Active Member
Well I shot the ezclone rep a message when I got banned letting him know I got banned... guess ill have to figure something out... will someone make a new user name as a test,
I believe rollitup is no longer accepting new users, when I was banned I was going to make another user account and come finish up the giveaway but, it said some error shit when I tried to registered a new name..

anyone else wanna try and let m know if it works for u?
Well just for a quick reference it says our newest member joined 4-30.

And welcome back, btw


Well-Known Member
thanks im thinking of uploading all the entries to a photo thing online like photo bucket, then emailing the reps and seeing whats up:)
im going to find them all real quick
two questions.

So are we posting our entries in here or are we sending them to bricktop?
Just a little confused on that part.

Also I am a soil grower.
The DownUnder HF would not really be of any use to me at this current time(unless it can be used in soil also?).
I would prefer to see someone get the bottle that actually does hydroponics if I did win.

Since I am only after the ezcloner, is it ok if I only submit one entry?
Or do I still need to do a tag with GroovyHydro and the glass company too to be considered for the grand prize?

Thanks for doing this for us:clap:

Picture would have been taken on road, but only other person that knows I grow is in Florida until April 8th or 9th.

Help my babies flourish E-Z Clone I know you will!
Ok cool, well here is my groovy entry:) Ill put my fadded glass works one up later.
I can still do two more tags for the ezcloner though correct?
This is my Ezclone entry just drew it up quickly, I will put up others for faded glass and groovy.
View attachment 1525923
glad to see you guys got everything together.....seeing as my handwriting sucks i figured i would photoshop a few things together...hope i got the concept down...if so then this is my entries.

View attachment 1526050

My first real attempts at photoshop...with the help of my trusty dog Sherman....
hehe im in but i will say in advance my entry is based on a weather-dependant event in a few weeks, think P51/ME108/das spitfeur lol
Groovy Hydro entry....
Here is my EZ clone entry
View attachment 1527119

And my Faded Glass entry
View attachment 1527129
heres a faded entry.

groovy hydro entry-

heres my 2nd groovy hydro entry-

while i had some free time i thought id toss together another one...but this one contains all 3 company names.

second entry

SLH by chomps
Sorry I felt it was necessary.

View attachment 1540900

tangible object
no photoshop

Is this a real contest? Am I getting punked :-|
last entry for groovy hydro.
View attachment 1543208
couldnt decide on how to do the ez-clone tag and since i make kites in between garden visits i figured i would tag a kite with their logo. was easier to read in person even up around 300'.
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that kite is awesome mr shakes! i really like that.

Damn !! Thats fucking kickass, my fav EZ entry so far...

This one is bad as fuck too IMO

View attachment 1544312

I know what your thinking...& yes, He is a model.

what strain is that? hubba hubba:)
Okay, if I don't post this now I'll just keep tweaking it forever. I'm just starting out and could REALLY use the cloner and nutes! I call it 'WeedShip-2450 A.D.' Hope you all enjoy...
Ya dude.....thats really good! KUDO's......I think any chance I had just went out the proverbial

Its the same for everyone though. That last super lemon haze shot I took has way more sparkle to it over here on the original pic.

Last entry. was fun using the ol' noggin again
This is my freeeee eZclone
View attachment 1567790
Kick Ass Dj, glad your free Ez cloner showed up buddy:)

Congrats, I bet you were stoked opening up that box.
just looked back at my first post #17 and imageshack nazis removed my im gonna upload it again here since it wont let me edit my first post....

and just so that doesnt happen again im going to upload all 4 of my entries here as an attachment.

View attachment 1573146View attachment 1573150View attachment 1573148View attachment 1573149
thanks im thinking of uploading all the entries to a photo thing online like photo bucket, then emailing the reps and seeing whats up:)
im going to find them all real quick


Active Member
yeah, two out of my three entries look like the attachments are there, but the last one is missing.
Hey Guyyyyyyyyyys! Saw lots of koool art! Who & Where do I owe the Hydro-Fungicide to? lol? Looks like this poor contest got sidetracked, but nonetheless, you guys put a lot of good effort into your submissions. MediMary if you can read this email me if there is a winner yet, I cant figure it out lol. Thanks again guys!


Hey what gives, I tried to private message MediMary but there is no option on his profile anymore to private message him, just talked to him a couple days ago?



Well-Known Member
there is a LOT of people being banned right now....and its not like banning them is doing any good..they are leaving on their own to go elsewhere.


why? why the banning/abandoning? is riu a leo friendly site?
Don't think its to do with leo... Seems like a lot of people are having problems with one of the moderators here. I constantly see threads griping about the same Mod over and over and over.


Well-Known Member
ooh. i only know of one. thats fdd2blk and we never had issue so hm. maybe there doing something wrong. oh and unclebuck. i see uncle buck around alot. hm. oh well i guess.


how did you know which mod I was talking about?

is the other mod "cooler/mellower" cause I never see anyone complaning about anyone except fdd..


at the bottom of the toke n talk page it shows there are more than one mod here, although widowmaker doesn't look to be active anymore.
P Roast, GardenK, Elle, Mary have all been active in the last month.

Someone mentioned their are other mods here to that arn't listed don't know though.. GroGrow Chicka