You are doing excellently my friend. Remember, Trichomes turning amber means they are degrading, that's why most people only let them get somewhat amber so they have a point of reference that they are complete. Another sign that they are complete is when 80-100% of trichomes turn milky white. This particular strain is best when trichomes are milky white rather than amber. It's predominantly indica so milky white is what you want. Amber is mostly for sativa dominant strains. Also, if you can do it that well with Fox Farm Trio, I would love to see you grow these with Advanced Nutrients. I started with the trio and now use AN and my buds were twice the size of the one in your day 63 pic. You have a real talent and now it's time to bring it out. Your most best asset is that you are patient.
Also, I always start the flush at the very end of week 8 and continue to the end of week 10 or if I'm going all the way to 11 weeks I end it at the end of week 11. Water only, no mollasses or anything, Those are considered sugars/carbohydrates and if used during flush time can stunt maturation. Keep up the excellent work. Check out my guy Koma on youtube. Search for Komagrows and oregon kush. They are the same person; these vids will take your growing to another level. You'll see. Pm me to let me know what you think after you check him out.